Why Anyone Would Want To Hack My Site Is Beyond Me. Asswipes.

I get this report daily. So far this is the most lockouts in one day from iThemes Security: Lockouts: There have been 150 lockout(s) including 80 user(s) and 70 host(s) locked out of your site. Asswipes. I’m just a small blog but have to have security that would choke a government security horse to keep it safe. Asswipes.


Pretty normal Sunday so far. Updated the MCARC site and tried to make it post to the other “Social” sites as needed. Not sure if it’s working or not. I figure I might as well update our FB page when I post; and there’s no reason the folks on G+ and Tumblr shouldn’t share in the fun. Supposed to have the monthly ARES check-in before the 2-meter Chat Net tonight.


Watching the guys pass pictures back and forth on EasyPal. Starting laundry. Got most of my “usual” chores done. Still need to move the 12 foot ladder out of the bathroom and back into the garage. SWMBO is going to make dinner tonight.

I gotta tell y’all one of the things that really bothers me. When I look in the mirror at my hair or beard, I see the occasional hair that is still dark brown. What? Didn’t they get the fookin’ memo? Or is that just Nature’s way of reminding me of what once was?


Dinner SWMBO made was delicious. The broccoli was done to perfection. Almost crunchy chewy without being too tough to actually chew. Shrimp Fettuccini I think she called it. Was good though.

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Damn! Had An Absolutely Profound Heading To Post. Forgot It. Old

Which is just another sign that I’m really getting old. Or getting really old. Probably both. Or I’ve gotten so boring, even to myself, that I can’t remember what I was going to say. Don’t pay enough attention.


Oh, I could probably give you a daily dose of social/political diatribe; but you wouldn’t enjoy it. Nor, probably, would I. I could describe an evening with SWMBO, a gallon of warm mayonnaise, and a rubber chicken; but you really don’t want to go there. Or I could do as I have been. That’d be pretty safe. Shouldn’t get my various accounts suspended. Except may on Tumblr. They’re a strange bunch.


Just your normal everyday Saturday. SWMBO took me to Teriyaki Chicken in Gig Harbor for dinner. Then we spent too much money at COSTCO for some more shelves for the pantry. (Damn, those things are getting heavy!) Made our usual stop by Safeway on the way home. And here we are.


And that’s about it. Again. And Again. You know. Maybe. One of these days. Maybe. I’ll have something interesting to say.


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What A Nice Holiday. Spent It With My Schweetie.

Which is always nice. I was going to let her take a trip to Jo Ann’s in Silverdale and just get my usual stuff done around the house. But, I decided to tag along, drop her off at Jo Ann’s, and go walk the mall or something until she was done. Yep, walked the mall twice (stopping in shops where I wanted to), took a drive to and walked through Best Buy, and still had time to peruse Staples where I bought her a mp3 player she can use at work instead of her phone, before she was through at Jo Ann’s.

The Doctor Who Hoodie SWMBO Got Me!

Then she took me to “Wok On Fire” for an early dinner. Then we both walked the mall and spent some more money on things we “needed.” She bought me a Doctor Who Hoodie! Cool! It’s nice. I was seriously looking at the remote control copters.

2014-12-20 21.10.25

Made a quick stop at Rite Aid and we’re home. Sure was nice spending time with her during the week. We need more holidays! (Or to win the Lotto!)

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And that’s really about it. We spent about 6 hours out and about and are ready to just chill for the rest of the evening.

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Happy New Year, Everybody!

Hope all the best for you and yours for the new year. I’m normally one of those “Things have just gotta get better” people. But I fear that things will get somewhat worse politically, financially, and morally, before they get better this time.  Wish I could be proven wrong though.


Not much going on today. Pretty normal Wednesday as Wednesday’s go. Made a run to the Post Office; but otherwise stayed inside all day. Started building that “box” in my wall behind my desk. Have to do something with that empty space. Might as well make a spot to put “stuff.” Straightened up some more in the basement. All the usual chores. Warmed a pizza for dinner.


Yep, I’m just a New Year’s Partying Fool!

Saw an ad for a site called “World of Warplanes” where you fly with/against other’s online. Looks great; but really leery about installing anything “online” like that. But I’ll probably check it out and go from there. Looks like fun. I like Air Combat Sims and Flight Sims. Enough to go against other people? I just don’t know.

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