The Weather. Not my head. And what happens in my head when the Wx changes? That’s right. Migraine. Oh, Joy. Oh, Fun. Oh, Shit. Think I’ll try to sleep in.
Got out of the house long enough to make a Post Office run and stop at Safeway to fill the Truck’s tank. With gas. Got another 21 gallons for less than $50. Cool! I’m feeling too good about gas prices so it’s about time for Congress to fuck it up with more taxes. Can’t have us feeling too good about “things†as we might come to expect it.
Other than that it was just a “normal†day around here. Worked on my soda machine trying to get it to accept money and dispense a soda. Still won’t and the dollar bill part quit working. Error light says to clear the bill path; which is clear as far as I can tell. Didn’t see anything when I took it apart. Got the coin part where it’ll take your money, most times, but still won’t give you a soda. Sorry, folks. My training is in computers. Not vending machines.
I am a Jack of all trades; but master of none. But vending machines are out of my area of expertise.
Made fried chicken, chunky taters, and mixed veggies for dinner. Ice cream sandwich for dessert. If I could hug my lovely young bride the evening would be perfect.
11th & 12th Doctor Who marathon been running all day on the big monitor in the background.