Will Probably Wake With A Headache Tomorrow. Supposed To Turn To Rain.

The Weather. Not my head. And what happens in my head when the Wx changes? That’s right. Migraine. Oh, Joy. Oh, Fun. Oh, Shit. Think I’ll try to sleep in.


Got out of the house long enough to make a Post Office run and stop at Safeway to fill the Truck’s tank. With gas. Got another 21 gallons for less than $50. Cool! I’m feeling too good about gas prices so it’s about time for Congress to fuck it up with more taxes. Can’t have us feeling too good about “things” as we might come to expect it.


Other than that it was just a “normal” day around here. Worked on my soda machine trying to get it to accept money and dispense a soda. Still won’t and the dollar bill part quit working. Error light says to clear the bill path; which is clear as far as I can tell. Didn’t see anything when I took it apart. Got the coin part where it’ll take your money, most times, but still won’t give you a soda. Sorry, folks. My training is in computers. Not vending machines.

I am a Jack of all trades; but master of none. But vending machines are out of my area of expertise.

Made fried chicken, chunky taters, and mixed veggies for dinner. Ice cream sandwich for dessert. If I could hug my lovely young bride the evening would be perfect.


11th & 12th Doctor Who marathon been running all day on the big monitor in the background.

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What A Nice Holiday. Spent It With My Schweetie.

Which is always nice. I was going to let her take a trip to Jo Ann’s in Silverdale and just get my usual stuff done around the house. But, I decided to tag along, drop her off at Jo Ann’s, and go walk the mall or something until she was done. Yep, walked the mall twice (stopping in shops where I wanted to), took a drive to and walked through Best Buy, and still had time to peruse Staples where I bought her a mp3 player she can use at work instead of her phone, before she was through at Jo Ann’s.

The Doctor Who Hoodie SWMBO Got Me!

Then she took me to “Wok On Fire” for an early dinner. Then we both walked the mall and spent some more money on things we “needed.” She bought me a Doctor Who Hoodie! Cool! It’s nice. I was seriously looking at the remote control copters.

2014-12-20 21.10.25

Made a quick stop at Rite Aid and we’re home. Sure was nice spending time with her during the week. We need more holidays! (Or to win the Lotto!)

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And that’s really about it. We spent about 6 hours out and about and are ready to just chill for the rest of the evening.

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Pretty Much An SSDD Sunday

Just not a lot going on. And, I admit, I kinda, sorta, got caught up in a Doctor Who (Season 04) marathon for most of the day. Just felt like it.

I Miss River Song

Did get my regular chores & (most of the) laundry done. Sun came out and me and the Dog went for a tour of the back 40. Moved my other two antenna’s from one side of the house to the other and go those hooked up to the radio and the tuner.


Made dinner (Chicken Enchilada’s and steamed cauliflower) for the Missionary’s. They seemed to enjoy it. More importantly, SWMBO seemed to enjoy it. Wasn’t much to send home with them but they got to take it anyway.


Now I’m just kinda, sorta, waiting around until time for the MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net. (The highly informal version.) Dishes are getting washed and the last load of laundry is in the dryer.

Well, the Net went well. Only 5 check-ins but it’s the last weekend shopping day before Christmas so I was kind of half way expecting a light turnout. But it went good.

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Day Started Really Early Today

Feel like I didn’t get any rest last night. Which I wouldn’t doubt considering I just can’t get comfortable on that bed SWMBO bought. You’d think that almost 5 years down that road I’d have the “sleep number” that would do me the best. I don’t know if going back to a “wave-less” waterbed would help, but I’m ready to try. But, at least I didn’t wake with a headache! (That’s always good.)


Ride to/from the Ferry Landing went well, if wet. Truck wouldn’t pair with my phone; then realized I forgot my phone at home. Doh!

Started Doctor Who Number 11 over again. One thing I don’t understand from Doctor Who 205-Victory To The Daleks: Why should Amy have remembered the Daleks? Up to then there has been no indication that she’s ever seen them before.


Wow. Sun came out for awhile and it wasn’t too bad out. Everything’s still soaked, but the Dog and I had a nice walk around the back 40. Now my feet are soaked.

SWMBO had me stop at Burger King on the way home. Then Rite-Aid for her cat’s antibiotics. We bought a Omron BP cuff too. Been needing one. (Said my BP was 147/75 tonight. Not bad.)


And that’s pretty much it. Finished out the MCARC 10-meter Chat Net and starting to get ready to go to bed.

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