Date Day Saturday! Yay!

s10bWhich was mostly an SSDD Saturday until I decided to get the Hell off my Old Ass. So I went out and tested the new pressure washer I got last week. Had to go get some gas first though. But it worked just fine once I figured out that using the “soap” nozzel was not going to put out the pressure I was looking for. The other nozzels worked just fine! So I kinda sorta went over the truck and got the worst of the caked on mud washed off.

My new course from the Learning Company came in the mail. “New Frontiers: Modern Perspectives on Our Solar System.” The first two lectures were pretty good. Hopefully the next 22 will be the same.


SWMBO got home from the Genealogy Library and took me to Denny’s for dinner. I had the chicken & pork quesidilla(?) but couldn’t eat all of it. It was good but I just wasn’t that hungry.

Then we went to COSTCO and got a whole bunch of stuff but not what we actually went there for. They were out of that. So we consoled ourselves with $100 of other stuff.


Then on to Home Depot where I bought a new, gas-powered, straight shaft whack weeder with a blade attachment so I can get after those <whateverthehellthey’recalled> bushes out in the back 40. All told we walked out of Home Depot $300 poorer. (Oh, bought 2-25 ft pressure washer hoses too.)


Made our usual stop at Safeway on the way home. I bought, don’t tell anybody, whole milk this week. I figure once every 5 years (or so) isn’t going to hurt me. What will happen is I’ll forget it’s whole milk and spit it our cause “it tastes funny.”

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