Field Day 2017 Is Over. Back Home

Ain’t it funny how you can set something up (which I did), have everything work perfectly (which it did), only to have it all go Tits-Up when you take that same setup someplace else?

2017-06-24 10.01.27

That was my weekend. Made ZERO contacts. Either couldn’t get HRD to connect to my radio, or DM-780 wouldn’t connect. Or both. OR I couldn’t get my antenna matched.

And that was pretty much how it was with everyone Really. EVERYONE had problems with their rigs or antenna’s. Even N7YGE and his APRS rig couldn’t get it to work right.

2017-06-24 10.27.17

At least AD7DY got his working (late) and made a butt-ton of 160-meter contacts. Omer saves the day Again.

It was HOT, dusty, and the mosquito’s were horrible at dusk (and all damned night). I got about 50 bites that are driving me nuts!

So, I made breakfast for the guys before packing up and coming on home. Caravan is mostly unpacked. Truck is mostly unpacked. Took a 30 minute shower! Relaxed and elevated my left leg for awhile. (Long story. Later.)

2017-06-24 12.02.01

Cooked the last of the burgers for our dinner and SWMBO watched “Passengers” with me. Cool. Sure was nice having her come out to be with me Friday & Saturday nights. Appreciate her.

I’m gonna vegg for awhile then go lay down. I’ll post the pictures tomorrow. Probably.

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