Splurged On A New Monitor Today

Jones1aWell, not really a monitor; although that’s what I’ll be using it for. Went to Best Buy, and the selections there were a 24” monitor that I could sorta read without glasses ($115.00), or a 32” TV that I could read without glasses ($125.00). Guy was freaked when I asked him to hook it to a computer! But I wanted to see it in action. And it’s wall mountable. And the mount I took off the Hanns G fits just perfect. Didn’t even have to move the mount at all. Cool!

Had to rearrange the screens. Fix the resolution. The two TV’s are running at 1360×768. The AOC monitor (on the right) is at 1680×1050. I could ramp both the TV’s up to 1920×1080 but the task bar (along the top) disappears. Gonna have to wok on that cause I want the higher resolution. I hate the task bar being at the bottom of the screen though.

Mel06aaOh, hey. Just made the task bar wider/taller, ramped the resolution up to 1980 and I can see it when it drops down now. Let me play with this for awhile. Just made all three 1980×1080 and it seems to be working good. Cool!!! Rebooting will be the telling thing to do though. If it survives rebooting then it’ll be good to go.

My Lovely-Young-Bride of almost 30 years (Dec 20th!) is home. Somehow got me logged on to Ancestry.Com and uploading family pictures I have. Fun! She keeps asking me for information (What part of “I don’t know” is hard to understand?) and I keep telling her to log into Facebook and talk to the family directly.

Anywho, it’s this Old Guy’s bedtime so I’m gonna go lay down and read a bit. (I purely love reading!)

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