Yes, today was my 64th and pretty much like any other Monday around here. The usual chores. Still cleaning out and straightening up the Caravan from this past weekend. Extra laundry with the Caravan stuff.
It was really sunny and hot today though; so that’s kind of special. After I made a PO run to get SWMBO’s package, me and the Dog took all our clothes off and spent as much of the day outside as we could. I even mowed the front-lower and back yards! And the path that we walk around the back of the property. So I shouldn’t have to do that again for at least a week. (But I still need to get out with the whack-weeder. And the neighbors insist that I be covered when I do that. Bastards.)
SWMBO got home early tonight! Well, really, she got home on time tonight. She didn’t have to work late. Cooooooolllll!!!!!
So I’m gonna go spend some of my birthday time with her.
She’s still my favorite present.