I Need An Extra Day Between Sunday and Monday. And It’s Only Friday!

j01dPretty much started out your normal, ssdd, kind of day around here. Then it pretty much stayed the same. Pretty much all damned day. Pretty much. Not that I’m complaining. Beats the alternative.

Hasn’t rained much. Yet. So I did get to take the Dog for a walk around the back 40. Getting on time to make a bit more noise on our walks to, possibly, scare away any bears that may be lurking back there. I have two fears about this place: 1) Running into a bear on our walks, and 2) I won’t live long enough to watch the neighbor’s from Hell youngest kid fry for killing his parents in their sleep some night. I’ll bring the popcorn.


Talked for a bit on the Club Repeater with KE7PHU, who finally got a decent radio and was testing it out, and AC7YX, who was trying to put off household chores and thought talking awhile on the radio would accomplish that. It probably did. Good to hear Ray on the radio again!

joan01fI get to pick SWMBO up at the QFC tonight around 1915. Which is always fun cause I really like her coming home. May take the Dog with me. May not. He really doesn’t know how to wait.

Made a run to the Post Office, so I stopped and got one of those DQ $5 lunches. That ought to last me until dinner!

Took the Dog and went and picked SWMBO up. Got home and was getting settled in when she said I should take her for a Chicken Sandwich at MacDonalds. In Town. So I did. (But just cause it was her.) And now we’re back from that and settled in again. Pleasure being out with her!

I’m going to bed.

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