Today was a “I Wouldn’t Trust That Fart!” Day

But we really don’t want to go there!

Had a wind Tuesday night into Wednesday. Lost power about 0030
until 0715. I knew this when I woke up having trouble getting a
breath and noticed my CPAP was off. And the house was completely
dark. (Surprising how dark it was even though it’s darker out here
“in the country” than nearer town.)

Not that I set an alarm clock or anything, but I slept in until
0710 (what the Hell is wrong with me!?), got up and was in the
kitchen staring at the coffee pot and said “I’d really like some
coffee.” and, BOOM, power came back on. I hit that ON button with
speed and precision! Ah, that hit the spot.

Half Our Backyard River

Our backyard river is back and higher/wetter than usual. The
back-40 is damned near drowned. We lost two trees (that were
pretty dead anyway, but still). All my spare antenna parts blew
off where I had them stored above the planters. Otherwise, not
really any damage.

Y'all Got What You Voted For.

Bought me a small wok and am learning to use it. YouTube has a
LOT of fried rice videos! I’ve been wanting some decent fried rice
since the guy at Safeway (who made some good fried rice!) quit.
And I like to cook. (Wanted to be a chef way back when.) There’s
got to be more I can do with a wok than bacon and eggs mixed into
obrien’s for breakfast!

I see that AOC wants to ‘rein in’ the “free” press. Hey, y’all,
welcome to our world! I’d just love to see our “News”
organizations subjected to the same censorship as we
Conservatives. Think they’d wise up? Naw. Reporters are the lowest
scum on earth and can’t learn.

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