Turns Out I Was Not Alone In My Ills …

topless1aSeems SWMBO also had an upset stomach & Runs for part of last Sunday & Monday. I had them big time yesterday. The only thing we’ve eaten in common over the weekend was Burnt Ends & Ribs at Famous Dave’s. She didn’t get it too bad cause she didn’t eat all her ribs. I, however, brought most of mine and the remainder of hers home and ate them Monday. Probably why I got way sicker. IF it was that that caused us to get sick.

Canning my chili today. The two longest wait times when canning are waiting for the damned water to boil so you can start the pressure, and, waiting for the damned water to cool down so you can remove the finished jars. Butt-ton of waiting. Other than that, easy peasy.

Made my appointments at Madigan for the Vascular Surgeon. Joy. Never been to Madigan before but imagine I’ll have to leave 3 or 4 hours early to get there and find parking and where the Hell I’m supposed to be. Maybe I should park off-base and take a bus/cab in? OnStar, Help!


Feeling kind of lazy cause this leg pain makes it to where I can’t walk very far nor very fast. Had to quit using the treadmill and me and the Dog are limited to hobbling around the yard. Would hate to get up the road and be unable to get back! Still, this sucks cause I’m usually way more active than I can be now. Sure hope we can fix this. (Whatever you do, don’t get Old!)

WTF? Out of 28 pints of chili, 8 of them didn’t seal. WTF? I’ve never had more than a couple not seal. I’ll try to get them done again.

The MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Evening Chat Net went well. About 8 check-ins and everyone was readable. Cool!

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Nice Outside Again. I Could Get Used To This!

Groucho02bNice couple of days, Wx wise. So nice yesterday I got out and mowed my neighbors yard. That’s the neighbor I like; not those I don’t like. He’s been gone for over a year, and I think he has someone that comes by to check his place and mow every so often, but they haven’t been around in awhile. Place was looking not lived in. It’s what you do to help neighbors. (Those that you like anyway. But not the neighbors-from-Hell out back.)


Did a bunch of other “stuff” too; just can’t remember what.

Today, I moved the caravan and took the whack-weeder to all the stuff that was growing up underneath it. That took awhile since it’s been awhile. Tried to start the rider-mower but the battery was/is dead. Think I forgot to turn it all the way off yesterday. My bad. I’m old. Good thing I have a 6-volt battery charger. (Which didn’t work, btw. Need to get my other charger back from out Renter.)


Started putting together another raised bed planter. Need one more cinder block in the size I’m using now to finish a 3rd. The rest will be built out of the stack of larger cinder blocks I have. Which means I’ll have to rebuild the forms. Which means I need some more 3” x 8’ boards to make new ends. Damn.

Took the Dog for a tour of the back 40. Nice out there. I really do enjoy us taking all our clothes off and going for a walk! I’ve never liked clothes though.


Anywho, the MCARC Wednesday Evening Chat Net is coming up shortly and I ought to check in to that. (It went well. Not a lot of people checked in though.)

And that’s my day. Exciting, I know.

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Nostra Bellia Boogerism Delecti Nux

My Ear! She shot my ear off! Again, Damn, Raylene! If I had been Human that would have hurt. At that it’ll take a week to grow back. Imagine, shot with a Ray Gun. What kind of sci-fi bull is that?


The usual Saturday around here; so far. SWMBO got home and took me to Red Robin for an early dinner. Stopped by COSTCO for some things and to look at their pressure washers. All they had were electric; and I don’t want an electric.


So we went to Home Depot where they had a small, gas powered, 2700 psi pressure washer for less then $250. Got it. I must be looking my age though cause on the way out no less than 5 people asked if I needed help getting that loaded in my vehicle. I got it, folks. (Well, it was kinda heavy and the more I carried it the heavier it seemed to get. Did it though.)

Made our usual stop at Safeway and now we be home.

And, still, the best part of the day was spending time with my Schweetie.


Set up the Kindle App on her phone and am now sharing my electronic books with her. That’s pretty cool. Our book likes are mostly really different (she likes Magic – I like Science) but there are a few that we share. Somehow I got her interested in reading “The Martian.” We’ll see how that goes.

Found “Created: The Destroyer” on Amazon for $0.00. Cool! That was one of my favorite series of books. Have the first 105 (or so) in paperback. Haven’t actually read any of them in years though. Might be time to re-read them. (And then the 80 (or so) Doc Savage books I have.)

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And I Might Be Getting Old Too

Luba3a… and she called the damned thing her “Ray Gun!” Ray Gun! Damn, Raylene. If she hadn’t had it stuck in my face I might have laughed out loud. Then she pulled the damned trigger.

Felt really lazy today. Woke up with a sort-of headache and didn’t really feel like doing anything at all. So I went and got 1680 lbs of 3/4” aggregrate and filled some holes at the top of our road. Felt really good, at the time, to be doing something physical. Outside. Not freezing or getting rained on.

Now I’m not so sure. Damn, I’m getting old. Old! At least 50 lbs overweight and Old. Sit in front of this computer way too much each day. And Old. Did I mention how Old I’m getting? Old.

Did get to sit out and enjoy the sun for a bit this afternoon. That was nice. Looking forward to a lot more of that over the next few months. Just got to get through another week of rain coming up AND the last snow of the season. Which should happen sometime before the end of June.


I get to pick SWMBO up at the QFC tonight. She’s coming home early! (Meaning she isn’t working overtime tonight.) Still, that’s cool!

Otherwise, not a whole lot going on. Pretty boring, actually.

Took the Dog with me to pick her up. He loved it but has absolutely NO idea what “wait” means. She ain’t here yet? Why not? We ain’t moving so where is she?

Stupid Dog.

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