Now This Is Right Proper Hot! Part Deux.

Vamp10aThe past two days it’s been just over 100 degree’s at the house. Outside. Sunny too. Nice. Really nice. So me and the Dog haven’t even bothered to get dressed unless we had to go somewhere. (And that doesn’t include checking mail; in case your interested.)

Been doing what I can outside and getting really dirty doing it. Got half the garage cleaned and straightened up. My half, of course. SWMBO’s half will probably be done tomorrow. Hung that indoor/outdoor carpet (about 8×10) and took this little pressure sprayer to it. Got both dirty (really dirty) and muddy on that job! Phew!

2016-08-26 14.01.24

Not a whole lot else going on really. Trying to spend as much time outside as I can cause this Wx is not going to last too much longer. Matter of fact, supposed to be a chance of rain over the next couple of days. Which we need. It’s another really dry summer and we really could use some rain for a couple of days. Luckily no fires have happened in our area. Yet.

Oh, went over before it got too hot and mowed my neighbors yard. It was looking a little not-lived in.

zanti05bPlayed with changing the header image on my site. Not quite how I want it, but close.

Practicing with my drone again. Getting to where I can land (mostly softly) within a couple of feet of where I want to land. Not bad for an Old Guy!

And that’s pretty much it. Again. SWMBO is home. She’s already lost, and found, her phone. She’s sitting in the Library reading so I think I’ll go sit next to her and read a bit before bed. Both of us being life-long readers, we can do things like that together.

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