Well, It WAS A Normal Sunday!

You know, my usual routing: Laundry, Dishes, straightening up around the house, mounting the microwave inside a cabinet; those sort of things. I even made shrimp scampi with veggies and pasta for dinner for the love of my life.


Then, about 1800, the Renters started arguing. By 1830 they got violent enough that SWMBO came to tell me that she was calling the cops. So she did. The 911 people seems to want a LOT of information before a car was dispatched. And it’s taken a damned long time for them to show up! She (the Renter) finally ordered her other half to “get off this property!” Too much! They can’t move out fast enough for me.

So, we’re waiting for the Sheriff… 1900 hrs. and counting… Ok, they showed up and took our statements and talked to the Renters. Didn’t see them arrest anyone. Bummer. So that’s that until they start up again.

So, after the MCARC 2-meter Sunday Chat Net I made yellow cupcakes to sooth our frayed nerves. My nerves was so frayed it took 4 cupcakes to settle myself down.


And that’s about it for tonight. It’s 2145 so I’m going to go lay down and read my book awhile.

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