Wow! That Long!

Last Tues & Wed were pretty nice but Thursday was the official First Naked Day of 2018. Got to over 80 degrees so me and the Dog went for plenty of walks. Nice. Of course it changed back to rain off and on and high of 58 degrees starting Friday. Joy!

SWMBO and I have been doing our usual Saturday dates. I hardly do anything that I enjoy more than just being out with her.

#Wiz Dog!

Never did buy a roto-tiller; but got a thingie that looks like a mini-roto-tiller. Tears up ground pretty good! (Senior Moment. I cannot remember what the thing is called.) Started buying more blue berry plants to plant out in the side-front yard. Got two and need about 6 more. Next week!

The “New” MCARC repeater sucks. The signal at my house is so bad I’ve quit listening in or trying to talk on it.


Some logging going on around us. You can hear someone cutting down the trees and it’s slowly moving towards us. I’m hoping me and the Dog can watch and film when they get up here by my house.

SWMBO called needing a ride so we got to pick her up at the QFC. Always a pleasure!

NMARES Monday Night Net went well with 11 check-ins. Cool!

I’m going to bed.

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