THAT Was A Rough Three Days!

Started out Monday with me catching SWMBO’s cold/flu. Spent Monday night either sweating or freezing all night. Literally. All Night.


Didn’t feel any better Tuesday, but had a meeting at the Naval Hospital I had to go to. Signing the Old Guy papers for Tricare For Life. During the interview I, of a sudden, started feeling nauseas, dizzy, minor chest pain, and sweating profusely. Not a good sign! Any of them. So the nice lady had someone walk me to the Urgent Care Center where I spent about 6 hours with them trying to find out if I had a heart attack or not.

Probably not. Probably. Better safe than sorry though.

Wednesday was more of the same. Tried to sleep all day; and mostly suceeded.


Woke up feeling 1000% better today. Runny nose is trying to keep me near a tissue dispenser; but not doing too bad. Feeling well enough I finally got to take the Dog for a longer walk. Winded me though.

So now I’m getting the Caravan loaded for our trip. Dog knows something is up and keeps jumping into the Caravan like he really wants to go somewhere. Already have my radio mounted, laptop and monitor installed, some food (need to stop by Walmart tomorrow for more). Pillows, quilts, antenna’s, snacks.

Gonna be a slow trip. Looking forward to it, but not looking forward to it. Mostly looking forward to it.

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