Foggy. Overcast. Cool. Ugh!

But I might as well get used to it. Getting a lot cooler & wetter over the next week. Suxs. Maybe I should use my new Social Security (when it starts) to go somewhere warmer & drier. Hmmm. It’s a thought. NOAA claims we’re going to have a drier than usual winter around here this year. Sure.

Still, Snow Is Better Than Just Rain.

Not much going on. The Usual. Mail Run. Trying to stay off my ass even if that means being busy doing “stuff.” But, “stuff” is really about all I have to do. Sometimes being “retired” is a total pain in the ass. Other times I enjoy the hell out of it.

I Don't Know What Joke She Was Told, But I Like The Way She Laughs!

Finally checked in to the Noon Time Net on 7268.5 USB. Guy I checked in with is in Sammamish, WA so it wasn’t that far to reach. Nice though. I really need to get off my ass and work the radio a lot more. Don’t like sitting a lot though.

Did get off my ass and finish painting the deck. Let it rain!!!

And that’s it. Spent way too much time watching “Apocalypse: World War One.” Really good documentary but about 5 hours long. No, didn’t “binge watch” it. I’d started it yesterday.

Windy and cold out. Feels like it could rain when the temp drops tonight. We’ll see. I get to get up and go help a friend move to Arizona tomorrow. Hate to see him go.

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Yes. I. Am. A. Whovian.

Really enjoyed this latest episode! The “new” Doctor is sometimes strange. Sometimes just plain Weird. But I think I like him. And Clara Oswald is the best Companion ever!


Pretty normal Sunday so far. Sun’s out but not shining directly on the house yet. Supposed to get up around 80 degrees so maybe I won’t have to get dressed at all today.

Still have a lot of cleaning up to do after the taping & pasting yesterday. I may or may not do that today as it is Sunday and supposed to be a day of rest. (Yeah, right!)


SWMBO brought friends home to quilt and I made dinner for us all. Corned beef & cabbage and mashed potato’s. Was yummy! Letting them take the left-over’s home cause it will not get eaten here. Normally, things sit in our fridge until they make their own gravy (whether they’re supposed to or not) before I throw it out.


And that’s about it. Just wasting time until the MCARC 2-meter Chat Net @ 1930. Guess I ought to check in this week since I am the Net Control…

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It’s Zero-Dark-Thirty Sept 11th

And I’m up, as usual. News is on but it doesn’t seem anything has happened, yet. Am I the only one that expects another attack on 9/11? They showed part of the “Remembering 9/11” Ceremony. Someone was (badly) singing the National Anthem, everyone in uniform was saluting the flag going by, Obama and his wife were walking.


Meanwhile, we have a “Red Flag Warning” (Fire Danger) from the NWS with gusty east winds (25-40 mph) coming at us today. Meaning Y’all Be Careful! If a fire got started it’ll run before the wind. Better make sure everything’s tied down. Supposed to get warmer over the next few days here (low 80’s), but the Central Plains are expecting a (really) cold front to move through.

Tried Honey in my coffee today instead of sugar. Yeah, I know the heat kills the honey, but I’m looking to sweeten my coffee without using sugar. Can’t stand that fake sugar shit; leaves a tingly sensation in the back of my throat.


MMmmm. Spam Spread & Crackers for a lunch snack! Life is good. Making meatloaf later so life will be better. (I make a pretty good meatloaf.)

Nice and Sunny and fairly warm (70 degrees right now) so I’ve been outside as much as possible. Folded the tent trailer up for Winter. Swapped the coax on my 6btv antenna for some thicker/better coax. Watered the garden and picked today’s haul (maters & 1 green pepper). Inside I’ve been scanning Genealogical Helpers and my usual chores.


So, instead of meatloaf for dinner I’m experimenting. Made beef stuffed cabbage rolls instead. One pan is made exactly by the recipe book. The other has Mexican style maters spread over the top because I couldn’t find another can of condensed tomato soup. AND I have to make instant mashed potato’s cause we’re out of real potato’s. Since the meat mix is wrapped in cabbage I don’t figure I need another veggie. Hope they both turn out. (Did. Good. Tasty.)

And that’s about it. Some folks followed SWMBO home to give us a guesstimate on finishing the taping & pasting. $200. I can live with that. They’ll start Saturday. Cool!

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Sardines In Mustard Sauce

And wheat crackers for lunch. Yummy! Was going through my “food case,” that I keep in the truck for emergencies, and found some things that are about to expire (meaning sometime this year). So I thought I’d start having some of it for lunch over the next few days. Sardines in Mustard Sauce, Spam Spread, Vienna Sausages, crackers, and some other things. Have to replace it all on my next trip to Safeway.


Other than that not much going on. Cloudy and Cool outside so I’m pretty much staying in and getting my “usual” chores done. Also scanning more of SWMBO’s Genealogical Helpers and a few more of her Uncle’s negatives.

Did have to make a trip in to the Post Office to pick up SWMBO’s Thrive box that came in. Opened it up and it just doesn’t look like $100 or “stuff.” Nor does it look like enough stuff to “get started” using it all the time. I’ll let her explain it better to me when she gets home tonight.

Took apart the small wall I put in to narrow the opening into my office/room so I could get it a bit more vertical. Just wasn’t quite right. But it is now and I need to put the wallboard back on and get it ready to tape and paste. Oh, Joy! (And Done.)

Not much else going on around here. Sun never really did show today except occasionally. The Mosquito’s just love this cooler weather! Like to have got ate up when I went out to water the garden and pick whatever needed to be picked.


MCARC 10-meter Chat Net @ 1930 tonight. Cool! (Went well. I actually heard several other people. Atmospherics must be okay. Whatever that means?)

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