Rain. Yeah, We Need It

But that doesn’t mean I have to like it. Off & On all day. Did allow me to get some of the trash burned; so that’s good. But I like the Hot weather and being outside and things. I’m actually wearing pants today for gosh’ sake!


Getting the house straightened up a bit. Have some friends coming over at 1630 to cook dinner for us using that “Thrive” stuff. I’d really like to get into some kind of food storage (other then what we already do).


And, it’s later and the dinner was okay. Beef Stroganoff & Broccoli. Strawberry’s for desert. Yeah, it was good. So SWMBO is going over the catalog and recipes now to see what (if anything) we might want to order. Personally, I’d love to get away from TV dinners (which I eat because they’re easy and quick) and get everything that would store better in our pantry. If we lost the  power for an extended amount of time I’d be doing some emergency canning of the contents of our freezer.


Not much else going on. Doctor Who marathon on the computer while doing all the other stuff. Still raining off and on. Getting much cooler tonight than it has been in awhile. Sux! (But you knew I was going to say that!)

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Wx Sure Cooled Off

Had to take SWMBO in to the Ferry Landing this morning (her Son is on vacation in Los Angeles) and it was actually misting for most of the trip.That sucks even if we need a bit of moisture around here.


Traffic sucked too. Not so much going there, but coming back I got caught in the left turn traffic for PSNS. Took almost 15 minutes to go a block! So I know for next time to take a different route through Bremerton. That’ll be next Tuesday.

Not much going on; it’s still early. Made my daily post to Redneck Mormon, showered, and am about to get my usual bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios with a handful of crushed walnuts that I eat for breakfast.

Spent a couple of hours “scanning” SWMBO’s negatives. Turn out pretty good until it gets too bright in here. Trying to rig up a “shade” thingie so the negative doesn’t pick up my reflection. But it gets in the way of easily changing negatives.


SWMBO took the later ferry tonight but she’s home safe and sound. I’m about to go to bed. Probably the shortest post I’ve ever made.

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Father’s Day? Today? Who Cares…

I mean, it’s not like I’ll be hearing from any of my kids for any reason. Much less Father’s Day. And there’s no way SWMBO’s son would ever wish me Happy Father’s Day. So that’s that as they say. I never look forward to Father’s Day. SWMBO did wish me a Happy Father’s Day and that’s okay.


Spend the greater portion of the day listening to my “Dinosaur” directory on the TV drive, and moving my stuff out of “my room” into the big room. Now that I’m not going to have any more to do in the MILA I think I’ll try to finish the taping & pasting that we started a few months ago. Then the Kitchen & My Room Projects will be done and I can move on to getting the basement started. Oh, the joys of home ownership!


Wow. My Lovely Young Bride made dinner for us. Cool. Fried Chicken, stuffing, and spinach. It was good.


Now I’m getting the rest of the laundry done. Dishes are done. Waiting for the MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net to start in a couple of hours, and, pretty much just chillin’.

Net went well. Only 5 check-ins but it’s almost summer so I understand. Folks around here would just rather be outside when it’s light out and it’s staying light way later than it does in winter around here.

But I ramble.

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We Be Back From Yellowstone!

And what a most excellent trip it was! Spent a day driving there, two days in Yellowstone, then a day coming back. Kind of a quick “camping” trip but well worth it. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy spending time with my Schweetie!

Got back in about 2000 last night and had time for a quick shower before hitting the rack. Tired! So tired I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. Haven’t done that in years.

Panorama made by Googl+

Today, I had to set the tent trailer back up to clean it out. Started washing the dirty clothes we accumulated over the past 4 days. Re-washed the dishes from the trailer. Took the Dog for a walk. Trip to the Post Office to pick up a box of her deceased Uncle’s old pictures the in-laws sent us. Started our dishes. Took my radio out of the truck and set up back up in my room and made sure it’s working okay. Mowed “my” yard. And it’s only 1320!

The 2014 Yellowstone trip-Day 1


Got up at 0300. Out of the house by 0400. What a lovely day! Started out kind of misty but cleared up by the time we hit I-90. Trailer handles just fine but my truck can really slow down going up hill. Depending on the grade of the up part. Made a few stops for gas and “rest” stops but pulled into Ennis, Montana around 1900. Plenty of time to set up the tent and get a shower before collapsing in bed. Even saw some streaks of lightning before turning off I-90 in Whitehall. Cool!

017The View From The Ennis RV Park, Ennis, MtOur Rig.Another View From The Ennis RV Park.

Of course, I uploaded my (unsorted) pictures  to my Flickr account already. Go take a look!

Nice! Having some Thunder. Gotta unplug my antenna’s.

Maybe more later. Gotta post this so I can move things around. Headache now. Wx change brings them on.

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