Install Cabinets Tuesday!

Oh, Joy! Had to make a run to ACE for a countersink. Cost almost $8 and the damned thing broke drilling the 2nd hole! I really wasn’t applying much pressure either. Be hard to prove for a refund though. Well, the countersink part still works so I’ll have to drill a hole with one of my other drill bits then countersink it.


It’s kinda hard matching up the whole edges of the cabinets.

And that’s pretty much what I did today. Did get the once cabinet (that’s going to hold the microwave & toaster) cut and put in place. Put the wall back in and nailed it down.

Oh, had to make another run to ACE for a 2ft x 1.5” x 7/16” board that I forgot to get the first time. So I decided to try the $5 lunch at DQ. Chili Dog, Fries, Soda, and sundae. Not bad.

Creature From The Black Lagoon

And that’s about it. SWMBO is home safe and eating her dinner. I’m finishing up a few things before going to lay down and read a bit.

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