SWMBO Was Sick Today…

So I pretty much stayed quiet so she could rest and recuperate. Even went out and got pizza so I wouldn’t bang pots and pans around cooking dinner.


Scanned some more of her pictures. Checked all my web sites for comments and guestbook entries. Read the News.


Guy came over and paid me for the Dump Truck and made measurements to see if it would fit on his trailer. He says it will so he’ll be over about 1000 tomorrow to haul it off. Hope he enjoys fixing it up! (I appreciate him buying it!)


Still need to get a new ignition switch for the Digger. Maybe tomorrow.

MC-ARC 10-meter Net went well tonight. Had 9 people check-in. Everybody was coming through pretty good. Antenna must have gotten wet…

It’s only 2100 but I think I’ll go lay down and read awhile.

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Damned Headaches!

I *HATE* waking up with a headache! I really do think it’s the change in the barometric pressure or somehow weather related ‘cause each time the weather changes I get one of these damned headaches! AAAaarrrrrggggghhhhh!


So, didn’t get a whole lot done today. Some laundry. Made Chicken Noodle soup for dinner cause SWMBO is having some chest congestion and I thought it might help. No, I know it won’t help clear up the actual congestion, but, when someone makes chicken noodle soup for you then you know they care. And maybe that makes you feel a bit better. Smile


OTT, not much going on. Pulled all the pictures out of an old (OLD) photo album of SWMBO’s so I can scan them. Not going to put them back; they’ll take up a lot less room in an envelope in a box. Get to do the same thing to a couple more albums.


Had a serious enquiry on the Digger that didn’t pan out. Guy lives in Vaughn (wherever that is) and messaged me that he found a Digger closer to home. Bummer. I don’t want to sell her but need to so we can pay off some of our bills and SWMBO won’t feel the pressure to work so much.

The other guy is coming over to pay for the Dump Truck tomorrow and figure out how large a trailer he’ll need to haul it off. That money will come in handy.

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Almost Too Ashamed To Post..

Cause today has been one of the more SSDD days that I have ever lived! Made a trip to Blockbuster to return those movies, walked the property twice, and did some dishes and laundry. That’s it. That’s been my day. Oh, swept my computer/radio room.


Other than that I’ve just been watching BBC stuff that I downloaded and “Mysterious Island.” Tweeted Neil DeGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson – Scientist/Astronomer) but haven’t heard back. (Bought one of his courses, My Favorite Universe, through The Great Courses.)


Looking forward to the 2-meter net @ 1930.

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Kinda Sorta A Busy(ier) Day…

Finally got off my fat old ass and got 4 gallons of diesel for the Digger. Digger drank if all up! Then I found out that the ignition switch has finally gone totally bad on the Digger; so I had to start her by taking off part of the gauges and shorting the switch. Started right up though. Thank goodness for my early life training! Smile

Digger Running Just Fine!

Moved the Dump Truck around getting it ready for the new owner to pick up sometime this week. Then ran up and down the driveway stirring up the gravel. There was this really bright thing up in the sky (been there for a couple of days now) that kinda sorta felt warm; but I got cold and came in.

What The Hell Is This. Felt Kinda Warm.

Updated both the Ham sites with some new information. Went through and cleared out the spam comments & Guestbook entries at all my sites.

Took the dog out and played in the sun for awhile. (At least, I assume that large bright thing up there is the Sun.) Still cold out there though.

Picked up Constantine & Shawshank Redemption at Blockbuster while I was out getting fuel. Guess my evenings planned… Man, I just love Blu-Ray! (Now that I have a monitor that’ll handle it.)

Made a frozen lasagna for dinner and some Texas Toast. Was pretty good and there was just enough for the three of us.

And that’s it. Think I’ll watch a movie.

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