Almost A Nice Day Out…

Sunny. Not really warm or anything; but sunny. Nice enough out for me to get off my lazy old-guy ass and change out the ignition switch on the Digger.

Took about 30 minutes cause the old ignition switch and the new switch are completely different on the ends. I got it figured out and didn’t burn the Digger up when I reconnected the battery; so that’s good. Started up and ran fine!

Running WinXP in Linux Mint 14 on my Win7 Machine

Spent the rest of the day on laundry and trying to get all the pictures I’ve scanned organized into the proper directories and somewhat in order. So far have most of my Navy Career done but still have a lot (LOT!) to do. Wondering if I should keep all the naked pictures of my Ex- or not. Smile (Just kidding! I’ll keep them!)

MCARC 2-meter net went well tonight. Had 9 check-ins and most everyone came through pretty good. Heck, if I get much more experience at this I’ll have to find a job as a DJ somewhere!

Calico Ghost Town in California

Right now I’m watching “The Avengers” and just waiting until it’s late enough to just go lay down and read until I fall asleep. I don’t know what it is, but, lately I’ve had the urge to read more than anything else. Since 01 Jan I think I’ve read 17 books. I love to read! Grew up reading. Mom swore I started reading 1st grade books when I was three. (Sometimes I even like to Study!) Decided that when I die, I want to go to Pern.

Kinda missing my kids right now too. All of them are adults but none have the balls to defy their mother and get back in contact with me. Ah well. That’s another long story for another day.


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Ok, In A Better Mood Today…

But have a headache developing. Oh Joy!

Let’s see… SWMBO took me to the All-You-Can-Eat Chinese food place over on Bethel for lunch yesterday. Food was good but the company was much better. Then we zoomed out to the Silverdale Mall and walked some of that lunch off. Then back home for SSDD. Smile

Got my new 110 film scanner in yesterday. Had to pick it up at the Post Office cause the box Amazon shipped it in was way too big for our mailbox. They *coulda* put it in a smaller box!


So, spent several hours yesterday, and this morning, scanning all my old 110 sized negatives. Man, some of those pictures haven’t seen the light of day since they were taken! Was only about 1300 110 scans; a little bit more with playing around with the old Kodak sizes. I don’t know how I’m going to easily scan those! Don’t know how I’m going to scan all those large format negatives from High School either. I may have to build something special…


The final scans aren’t the absolute best but more than adequate. Way better (and cheaper)  than having prints made then scanning those. You gotta remember that the 110 sized film can’t gather a whole lot of information/light and anything that small blown up is going to be somewhat grainy. I’m happy with the quality and it’ll be fine enough for archiving purposes.


NMARES meeting went okay last Thursday evening. Actually had 7 people show up. Dang! Lot’s of hoohaha  going on about the club Constitution and By-Laws. Club Officer elections coming up pretty soon. I will NOT be club President any longer! “They” also decided to shut down the club website; just not taking in enough in dues to pay for it. So, I think I’ll port it over to and just pony up the annual domain name charges. They’re also not understanding that the website could notify everyone of when the next meeting is if only they’d subscribe to the posts. They’d rather someone send out an e-mail with that info. Oh well, I guess not all us old guys can clue in on technology! Rolling on the floor laughing


And that’s about it for today. Gotta get some dishes done if I expect us to cook and eat dinner.

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I’m Just Sick Of The Damned “News”…

that I read every day. Especially about what NObama and his cadre are doing. People hating each other. Fighting each other. The general population of America seeming to lack the common sense God gave a goose. Politicians that are supposed to be serving us serving themselves instead.

Heads up for our local NEWS channels: I don’t care! I don’t care what the widow of the cop killed 5 years ago is up to or how she’s managing. I don’t care about the hard time the guy that got beat up a year ago is going through. I just plain don’t care. Tell me what’s happening today locally and the important stuff from around the world. What will my weather be like over the next week (even though it’s all a guess anyway). I don’t care about the bus load of kittens that perished in a fire; did a person get hurt? If they did, tell me about it and move on to something else. Better than that, tell me if something “strange” started the damned fire so I can see if something like that is happening in my house. I don’t want to hear what the neighbors think (most of them don’t know anything anyway) NOR the crying faces of the victims; I don’t care.

Don’t tell me how bad things COULD have been; you bet they always could be worse. Were they? No? Then shut the hell up. Quit trying to get me “scared” by what COULD happen. Quit trying to always make things worse than they already are. Tell me, if North Korea develops A-Bombs & Missiles and wipes out Washington D.C., should we go to war with them or send them a thank you card? That’s the kind of important stuff I want to know.

You Politicians *NEED* to get your heads out of your asses and your hands out of OUR pockets. You’re *supposed* to be serving US, the people. Most of you aren’t.

You gun control freaks: Get a life. I wish I could be a fly on the wall that day when someone takes your life, that you might have saved just by not being so stupid. GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE! PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE! I don’t hear any of you yelling for us to ban steak knives or cars.

Obama – Man Up! I gotta tell ya, Dude. You’re the very first POTUS that I wish some red-neck with a rifle *would* take out. And it’s NOT because you’re Black; it’s because you are the absolute worst President I’ve ever seen and I grew up with Nixon & Johnson. I have no idea why you hate this country so much; but I have just one things to say: Love My Country Or Leave It!

AAAaaaarrrrrgggghhhh! I’m sick and tired of the radical Muslims and their shitty violence mongering Prophet of doom! If Christians reacted the way they do to stuff they’d be all like “What? Cool out man!” Right now I hope each and every one of them just up and dies. Which is sad because 10-20 years ago I never gave them a thought either way. Live and let live was my philosophy. Not now; hate every one of them.

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Consolidated Our Trips Today…

Which is becoming more “normal” for us; what with the price of gas.

Took SWMBO to the bank, then I hauled her along while I shopped for a new ignition switch for the Digger ($10) and got a new end put on the hydraulic hose I ripped apart the other day ($16). Had to stop by the local computer store to see if they had a dvd drive for my laptop; they didn’t. Guess I’ll have to order it online. Ah well.

Danged DVD drive will cost around $50 plus shipping. Not too bad. I’ll have to save up for it though…

Got notified that the new 110 film scanner I ordered was shipped today. I *should* get it by Friday; I think. Maybe. Hell, it’s only coming from the other side of Seattle so it really shouldn’t take that long. You’d think…

Not much else happening around here. Making chili-dogs & fries (bakes) for dinner. Listening to some guy in Asiatic Russia call CQ on the radio. (He didn’t hear me try to return his call.) Got dishes doing. Kind of watching a show about Mt. McKinley. Ripping a DVD. Sprinkling out.

Chili-dogs waz good!

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