Usual Friday “Date.”

SWMBO took me for Mall Food where she had her usual sandwich and I had the chicken strips & fries. Then we walked the mall. Then we spent too much money at COSTCO and back home. Oh, on the way out we stopped at the Library & Post Office here in Belfair.

Jayne Mansfield

While walking the mall, we saw a young (damned ugly) girl and her mom/grandma that had so many face-piercings I’d bet they couldn’t get within 2 miles of the airport. Any airport! Now, I can understand youthful “I gotta be who I am” exuberance (No I can’t. I just don’t understand body piercings or tats), but, mom/grandma trying to keep up with the kids that way is just damned silly. Looks crappy (to me) also.


Course, I feel the same way about those young girls that aren’t really that great looking in the first place, but could look a LOT better without the pink/orange/purple hair and lip/eyebrow piercings. And for some reason they choose the ugliest damned clothes too.

Maybe I’m just getting old. I did spend some of my youth wearing bell-bottom pants cause my Dad hated them. I’d have probably been a “Hippie” but he would have killed me! Smile


Not much else going on today. Sun is out and in but it hasn’t been raining too much. Think me and the Dog will go for another walk.

News says ANOTHER small plane has gone down and killed folks. Sounds like we need to ban all small planes…

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My Goodness! Thursday, Already?

Wednesday evening MCARC 2-meter Chat Net went well. Stayed up until about 2230 then laid down and read until I was ready to fall asleep. SSDD.

Just finished 2001: A Space Odyssey and am about half way through 2010; neither of which I had ever read before. Pretty good. That makes about, what? 15 books or so since January 1st? I probably need to get a life!

2001 novel

Not much going on today. Still kind of wet out but SWMBO, the Dog & I managed a couple of walks around the property. It’s nice walking along and holding her hand…


Making Lasagna & Texas Toast for dinner. (It was gooooooddd!)

So, now I should start my lessons on WordPress, PHP & CSS…

I Should.

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I Won’t Say I’m Lazy…

But, Damn! I haven’t really done anything today but scan the radio, watch Tv, or Poop! I’ll leave you to figure out the order of those! Hey, me and Poop Dog did manage to get out for a walk even though it was still raining.


But I did get off my ass, wash my hands, and make fried chicken, Spanish rice (sort of) & veggies for dinner. SWMBO was duly appreciative. (Meaning she ate everything on her plate.)


There’s just not much else going on. JAG marathon? Maybe just the two NCIS-crossover episodes?


MCARC 10-meter Chat Net last night went well even though we had only a few check-in’s. We’ll see how the 2-meter Chat Net goes tonight.

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Just Another Normal Tuesday…

Didn’t sleep very well last night and woke with a headache this morning so my day didn’t go as good as it could. Hell, I didn’t even get my shower done until after 1030!


Wound up eating breakfast and watching “Blue Collar Comedy Tour” then who knows what then watched another movie then took SWMBO and the dog for a walk in the rain then thought I’d better get off my lazy old ass and get dinner done (Bake-B-Qued Pork Chops, Tater Salad & Mixed Veggies) then just playing around until time for the 10-meter net and here I am.




Hope it goes better tomorrow.

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