Ooooooo, That’s Nice!

Woke this morning just before the alarm clock would have gone off feeling pretty good. Nice! Much better than waking up with a headache. Smile

According to the News folks a storm is headed our way for Wednesday. Lots of wind and rain. I’ll make sure things are battened down but I really don’t expect much. To say our Weather people are “alarmist” would not be an exaggeration.

Jean Harlow. Just A Bit Before My Time.

My sincere condolences to the US Marines and the families of those killed and injured in Hawthorn today. As a “Doc” is was my job, and pleasure, to try to keep y’all alive and my heart still hurts when you die. I’ve never seen a more dedicated group of people in my life. HooRah!

Yvonne DeCarlo. Pre-Lillian Munster

Had a dream just before waking up that I saw my brother, George, that I haven’t seen nor heard from in over 20 years. Sometimes I wish my brothers and I got along better. Or I’m just getting old and sentimental.

Oh, boy. It is really starting to rain out there! SWMBO and I just got back from making a run to the Naval Hospital in Bremerton to get my refill on my meds, VIA our friends near Shelton where SWMBO forgot her phone yesterday, then to the Silverdale Mall to buy/replace the battery & Charger for my Volcano e-cig. Long trip! And the Wx got steadily worse.

But, we’s home now and SWMBO is making some kind of steak, mashed & Veggies for dinner. I’ll let y’all know how that went…

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I *HATE* Waking Up With A Headache!

It just ruins the rest of the damned day! Needless to say I didn’t get a whole lot done today…


I *DID* get a chance to sit out in the Sun for awhile. It was so warm (directly in the sun and when the wind didn’t hit one) that I actually fell asleep in the lounge chair thingie. Didn’t help with the headache but still was nice. First of many sun-lit naps to come!


Took my Schweetie for ice cream at DQ this evening. Just because…

I don't really like Golf. Like Shorts!

Think I’ll go see if sticking my head way down in the toilet and flushing 3 times will get rid of this damned headache…

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Sunday Wasn’t Much Different

Except for making Corned Beef & Cabbage for dinner, did some laundry, took a couple of walks in the sunshine with the Dog (even though it is Still cold out) and straightened up around the house a bit, I really didn’t get anything done.


Good thing I have the MCARC 2-meter Chat Net @ 1930!


Tried making a landscape in Vue 7 last night. Just can’t get it to look “real.” There’s gotta be a setting I’m missing somewhere. Danged thing took 12 hours to render a 15-second movie…


So I’m trying it again with some different settings. Say’s it’ll take about 20 hours to render this 30 second video…

Kinda Sorta just marking time today. Had “Clash of the Titans” and “Wrath of the Titans” and “2001: A Space Odyssey” going in the background while listening to whose on the radio and getting small things done around the house. Have my camera running to make another time-lapse of clouds. My Volcano e-cig seems to be going TU. Which figures cause I bought it almost a year ago.

Kissin’ my Schweetie whenever she walks by.

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Kind Of A Slow Saturday…

But, then, y’all kind of expect that of me. Ah well.

Before I lost my truck for the day to our son, I did manage to get down to Blockbuster and rent a couple of movies on Blu Ray. Clash of the Titans & Wrath of the Titans. Guess it’ll be a Titan evening!

We Had One Of These When I Was A Kid.

Finally made a PSK31 contact on 10-meters. Hell, finally made a non-Net radio contact. Was going to do more but got busy trying to fix the connection between my laptop and radio. Dang thing keeps dropping out after 5-10 minutes so I have to manually control the radio. That sucks! Worked fine for 3 years or so but lately it just drops the connection after awhile. Think I’ll set up a desktop computer and see if that works…

I really don’t use the radio as much as I should though.

Playing With Vue 7

Other than that, just not much going on. It rained off and on today so the dog and I got to take only one walk. Left some peanuts for the squirrels. Got our feet all muddy. The usual.

We dated a few times in High School.

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