I Like Warmer Days!

Cause I get so much more done. And today was one of those warmer days. Must have gotten up to 60 degrees and was mostly sunny! Woo woo!


So, I got out on the digger and worked on the garden area, moved a downed tree around, and dug that ditch at the back of the property I’ve been meaning to. Funny how selling the Digger got me motivated to get some of the projects done.

Climbed on the roof and fixed the 40-meter leg of my antenna. Dishes and laundry, of course. Took the Dog for a walk. Got some other small things done that I’ve just been waiting for the weather to get better to do.


Yes, I Like Warmer Days!

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Had Trouble Sleeping Last Night…

I don’t know why. I’ve cut down my intake of caffeine during the day but that doesn’t seem to be the problem. Just could not get comfortable in bed. Even tried sleeping in one of our chairs in the tv room. Finally passed out about 0230 or so. Woke up this AM long enough to turn the alarm off; then laid back down until 0800.

Remember Her? If You Do You're Old!

Nate is coming over this afternoon to look the Digger over. Got out and pressure washed her and greased her up. Hadn’t realized that she’s starting to look a bit rusty in places; but I couldn’t afford to get her repainted anyway. Hmmm…

More later. Gotta eat some breakfast before I faint.

Ok, it’s much later in the day. A couple called and asked to look at the MILA today; so they came over and had a look. Seemed like friendly folks. He likes gardening and wants to get into Ham Radio. They both are readers also. This could work out…

Same movie

Nate came over and took a test drive/dig on the Digger and decided to buy it. Gave me enough to hold it for him so I’ll have to take down the ad on Craig’s List. Cool. I really (really!) hate to sell my digger but we absolutely need the money right now. But I know that, as he’s loading the Digger up n his trailer, I’ll be fighting back the tears. And as they pull off I’ll be running down the driveway screaming “MY BABY! MY BABY! COME BACK. YOU CAN HAVE YOUR MONEY JUST BRING MY BABY BACKL!!!” Smile  I will miss her though.

Anyway, SWMBO is making dinner tonight. Sauerbraten. Toledo style. Yummy.

MCARC Chat Net @ 1930 tonight.


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Time Passes When You’re …

Having fun!

You know; I’m just not sure what, if anything, I did last Thursday. Probably just more of the same. Just after posting last Wednesday, the News and Wx sites I read all predicted SNOW through Friday morning. And it did. North and East of Seattle got slammed with some places getting around 6 inches. Didn’t see a flake here. I even seem to remember the sun coming out for awhile. Wasn’t warm or anything; just the sun came out.


Friday was our usual Date Night and SWMBO took me and our son to Taco Bell in Port Orchard. Then we spent too much money Walgreen’s getting me some socks and t-shirts. Then spent way too much money at Safeway on the way home. Our freezer is packed!


Didn’t do too much today. SWMBO was off at the Genealogy Library and I just kind of lounged around the house and got a couple things done outside (still COLD out there) and played with Vue7 a lot while watching “The Universe.”


Got a guy coming over tomorrow to look at the Digger. Says he’s definitely interested in buying her. I really hate to sell it, but, we really need the money. If we got a couple of bills paid off (we don’t really owe that much out) we at least wouldn’t have to worry about them. If we could sell off SWMBO’s car (or economically get a cheaper one) neither of us would have to work! Thank you Navy Retirement!

And that’s it. Think I’ll go lay down and read.

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Pretty Normal Wednesday. Again…

Which means just not much going on (SSDD). Weather has been stormier than usual; hard rain at times and lots of wind. You should see my “long wire” antenna (389 feet of steel cable hung tree to tree) swinging up and down in the wind! I am surprised it hasn’t broken yet. My other antenna’s seem to be holding up well also, so, I should be able to join the Wednesday MCARC 2-meter Chat Net at 1930.


Been listening to/scanning the different repeaters & Police/Sheriff frequencies today and have heard only a couple of “trees down across the road” messages/calls. I didn’t think it was THAT windy out…


Oh, that steak SWMBO made last night was damned excellent! I was going to make “chied fricken” for dinner tonight but we was out of fry juice. So I rubbed “steak rub” all over it and baked it. Tasted good but was a bit dry. Had 3 cheese rice and salad with it. Now to make a trip to Safeway for some oil…


One thing I’d be interested in comments about (minus Spam, of course) is: Do I add too many pictures? Do the pictures I do add interest y’all? Are my personal comments too much or too little? Totally uninteresting?

And any other suggestions you may have.

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