Pressure Washing The Roof

SWMBO is really worried about me climbing on the roof when no one else is home to call if I fall. I can sympathize, but, if I don’t climb up there and do the job, who will? Her Son? Not likely. The Renter? Again, not likely. I could hire someone; but, at $3 a square foot, we’re talking some real money.


So, I spent a couple of hours yesterday up on the roof with the pressure washer and still got only about 1/3 of one side done. Legs got really tired from standing at an angle. Got hot too! Sun was really shining down. (Which I like.)

And I’m about to get my morning absolutions done and climb back up there for another couple of hours. Hopefully I will complete at least the Eastern side of the roof today. Hopefully.


Other than that, spent a lot of time just laying out in the Sunshine yesterday. I just have to take advantage of sunshine and heat when we have it up in the NorthWest. It’s impossible for me to not get outside in nice weather.

Nope. Not getting any of the roof done today. Got it all hooked up, started, up on the roof, only to find that I hadn’t turned the water on. Damn! By the time I climbed down the pressure washer stopped running. Have not been able to get it to restart. Probably needs to cool down and I may try later. May. Sun’s really shining though. And warm! Hmmm…


So, I laid out about an hour. Or so. Was nice. I’m already starting to look tanned in the shower. Cool! I do pity anyone that drops by unexpectedly though.

Anywho, it’s way later, SWMBO is home. Think I’ll go spend some time with her. She’s worth it!

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