1st Get Naked And Lay Out Day 2016!

Between tearing apart one of my raised bed planters (dressed, unfortunately, cause I don’t want to gross out the Renter’s Girlfriend) and assembling the new whack weeder (putting the blade head on), and just laying out, I managed to stay outside from around 100 to 1600. Nice! Started planning how to pressure wash the roof this week. (Probably dressed cause the Neighbors-From-Hell would probably complain about a Naked Old Guy pressure washing his roof. Bastards!)


I never in a million years thought I’d live someplace that 67 degrees would feel really nice! But around here a sunny 67 degrees is nice. I hate this place.


Really. That was all of my day. Not real productive but got some things started that I’ve needed to get started. . Microwaved myself a lasagna (individual serving) for dinner just cause. MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Evening Chat Net went well with 12 check-ins. About time for SWMBO to get home

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