Just not a lot going on around here. Foot and knee are still hurting. Get a headache every other day or so. It’s raining off and on. Getting colder and darker and, OH MY GOD, the Sun is going down! WTF?
Just kidding. Sorta. Really not a lot going on around here cause I’m still retired and just don’t get out much. Saturday date with SWMBO. BUT, I did get to go on a mid-week “date†with her last Wednesday. She had the day off to do Dental stuff and we spent the day together. Even made a COSTCO run.
Which really threw me off cause I kept thinking it was Saturday. I suppose if we had not eaten and gone shopping I wouldn’t have been confused! Getting Old.
My Renter is still driving me fookin’ nuts. I’m beginning to think she’s trying to get evicted. I know she’s having a hard time working and all (and Adulting), but if she’d come up and talk to me we could work something out. I’ve already agreed to lower the rent for two months while she looks for a roomie. But, without talking I have no idea what’s going on.
Meanwhile, rent is late every month and I usually have to remind her it’s due. I shouldn’t have to go to her for rent. She’s still behind for part of last month’s rent and electric and all I’ve heard is “I’m gonna do this …†but nothing’s done.
Not that it’s all bad. It’s just we don’t get along as well as we used to. And that kinda bums me out. (And NO Im not having those kind of fantasies!)
Anyway, that’s pretty much it for tonight. About 1930 I suddenly get really tired and my head will start to hurt. I hate Winter coming on!