I Am So Depressed.

Part of it is the immenent return of Winter. All that rain and cold and dark. Part of it is my Renter. Part of it is my Lovely-Young-Bride of almost 32 years. Part of it is I’m pretty tired of something hurting all the damned time. Part of it is that I spend WAY too much time alone. Part of it is that Im just fuckin’ Old.


Saw my new Doc last week. That was a waste of time. Could not get him off whatever his agenda was and on to what was bothering me. BAck in my day, if a patient had complained of foot or knee pain, we were taught to get them up on the exam table and actually DO an exam. Range of Motion, Does This Hurt? All that stuff.

Not this Doctor. Oh, sure, for the knee pain he said “probably degenerative osteo(someting). We could inject some steroids to see if that would help.” All this without an actual exam. He’s Good!

And, you’d think that when an OLD GUY says “I get chest pains in my upper left chest when I exert myself.” that the Doc would get one’s shirt off so he could listen to your heart and lungs. Nope. You’d be mistaken.


But he did order a echocardiogram and CT scan because I used to smoke.

Got My Tower Up! Mostly. Bunch of the guys came over the 22nd and spent about 3 hours getting it up. Rained the whole damn time! They did a fantastic job. Now I need to get the rotator ordered, antenna built and mounted and the last section up and I’ll be cooking with gas! I’ve tried climbing it. I can get about half way up before my knee hurts too much to go further, AND, even though my mind says I’m doing fine, my ASS says it ain’t going any farther. Stupid Ass!

NMARES meeting went really good tonight. Way more interesting than the South Club meetings.

Dang! Was so tired I forgot to post this last night.

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