Consolidated Our Trips Today…

Which is becoming more “normal” for us; what with the price of gas.

Took SWMBO to the bank, then I hauled her along while I shopped for a new ignition switch for the Digger ($10) and got a new end put on the hydraulic hose I ripped apart the other day ($16). Had to stop by the local computer store to see if they had a dvd drive for my laptop; they didn’t. Guess I’ll have to order it online. Ah well.

Danged DVD drive will cost around $50 plus shipping. Not too bad. I’ll have to save up for it though…

Got notified that the new 110 film scanner I ordered was shipped today. I *should* get it by Friday; I think. Maybe. Hell, it’s only coming from the other side of Seattle so it really shouldn’t take that long. You’d think…

Not much else happening around here. Making chili-dogs & fries (bakes) for dinner. Listening to some guy in Asiatic Russia call CQ on the radio. (He didn’t hear me try to return his call.) Got dishes doing. Kind of watching a show about Mt. McKinley. Ripping a DVD. Sprinkling out.

Chili-dogs waz good!

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