At Our Advanced Ages, SWMBO & I Decided We Don’t Want To Have Kids. We’re Gonna Tell Them This Weekend.

And one of those pills the Doc gave me is making the Dr. Pepper taste funny. I mean really off. I love Dr. Pepper.

Bought a Blue Ray (Blu Ray?) of the remastered “Mysterious Island” which came in today; with a return address of Northhamptonshire, Rushden, United Kingdom. Cool! Had not realized it would be coming from England. It worked though.

We finally hired a construction guy to get the FILA done. His bid came in at $61k and he seems to know what he’s talking about. And I can’t find any negatives about his company on the net. So, made the first draw of $15k and he’s going to be starting in a week or so. Which means I have to get off my fat, lazy, old, ass and get the rest of that insulation out of the FILA. Sure will be glad to have this all done and behind us.

Was thinking of          burning down my house and building this. Just kidding. Maybe.

So there are things on the list that we (SWMBO and I) have to procure and we’ve spent the last two days going to various Home Depots and such looking for a bathroom vanity and what color/type flooring we (SHE) wants. And I have to  pick up all the lights I plan to install. Which, so far, is pricing out at only $250 for the hardware. Which ain’t bad. Oh, we get to buy the kitchen sink also.

Man, this has been in the “que” quite awhile now. Let’s see…

Got off my ass and got all the insulation out of the FILA and half of it into the utility trailer last Monday. Four hours of loading and stuffing and tramping and the dump run Tuesday and it weighed only 180 lbs. The 2nd load took 5 hours to load Wednesday and it weighed only 270 lbs. But at least it’s all gone and I don’t have to worry about it anymore. This getting old shit sucks.

The contractor put up a supporting wall and took out the wall that’s was to be removed before he left the other day. He won’t be back until next Tuesday.

SWMBO went out and spent $6k for new cabinets for the FILA kitchen. Half what the contractor and Home Depot had guesstimated.

Taking lots of pictures of the reno.

Doc appointment last Tuesday where he uppped the meds that make me pee cause my legs are still swollen and I ain’t gonna get no surgery done with swollen legs. That’s being 70 though: all the wrong parts get swollen. And none of the fun parts. He also gave me a goal of losing 50 lbs.

Had a wonderful lightning/thunder storm come through last Wednesday evening. I was outside “filming” it, of course. That’s a once-in-a-decade happening for us around here. I love lightning and thunder. I live in the wrong place for it though.

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