Kinda Sorta A Busy(ier) Day…

Finally got off my fat old ass and got 4 gallons of diesel for the Digger. Digger drank if all up! Then I found out that the ignition switch has finally gone totally bad on the Digger; so I had to start her by taking off part of the gauges and shorting the switch. Started right up though. Thank goodness for my early life training! Smile

Digger Running Just Fine!

Moved the Dump Truck around getting it ready for the new owner to pick up sometime this week. Then ran up and down the driveway stirring up the gravel. There was this really bright thing up in the sky (been there for a couple of days now) that kinda sorta felt warm; but I got cold and came in.

What The Hell Is This. Felt Kinda Warm.

Updated both the Ham sites with some new information. Went through and cleared out the spam comments & Guestbook entries at all my sites.

Took the dog out and played in the sun for awhile. (At least, I assume that large bright thing up there is the Sun.) Still cold out there though.

Picked up Constantine & Shawshank Redemption at Blockbuster while I was out getting fuel. Guess my evenings planned… Man, I just love Blu-Ray! (Now that I have a monitor that’ll handle it.)

Made a frozen lasagna for dinner and some Texas Toast. Was pretty good and there was just enough for the three of us.

And that’s it. Think I’ll watch a movie.

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