Remo Williams–The Destroyer

Bought the first one, #1, at the store on the 32nd Street Naval Station way back in 1971 (or 1972) (Which I still have, by the way. The book. Not the store.) and have tried to keep up with since. Stopped a few years back and don’t really know why. Have 110 or so and just started (this evening) cataloging them on my Nexus 7. Sometimes I can scan the barcode, most times I have to enter the SSBN. Either way it’s still much (way much!) better than the Dewey Decimal System.


Spent some time letting the Nexus 7 update to Android 5.1. Lots of trepidation and lots of online research; but decided to risk it anyway. After the last (disastrous) update I had my doubts about anything from Google. Seems to have worked without slowing it down too much. Everything else is upgrading now though. I’ll give it a good workout; but have been looking up how to install CyanogenMod “just in case.”


Not much else going on today; SSDD. Sun came out long enough for me and the Dog to go for a walk to the back of the property. Still really wet out there though. Spent way too many hours researching insurance for the Caravan; which SWMBO completed on the phone while on her lunch break. Appreciate that. Appreciate Her!


No one showed up for the MCARC 10-meter Tuesday Evening Chat Net. Since AE7GC hasn’t been able to make it the net has just kind of disappeared. Bummer. (But he was the only one centrally located that could hear everyone. Otherwise I’d take over as Net Control.)

Have a “River Song” marathon going on since this afternoon. Cool!

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Mostly A Pretty Normal Monday

Had a few real Downpours but no thunder or lightning (that I saw). It was really coming down though! Unhooked the antenna’s from my radio “just in case.”


Went to ACE Hardware and picked up a couple of L-brackets. Took about an hour to turn one of them into an antenna mount. Looks good and holds the antenna firmly. Drilling the hole bigger, then going at it with a metal file, was NOT an easy job. But it was fun. (Nice to get off my fat, old, ass and get something done too!)


Talked to my friend in Vista, CA on 20-meters at 1515 for a few minutes. I just don’t have enough going on to have an extended conversation. Funny that a guy (me) that doesn’t like to talk much (over the air) gets into a hobby where that is what you do.

Not much else going on. Watched a couple of old Sci-Fi movies on YouTube then started “Day of the Triffids” from the Movie Drive. SWMBO got home safe then she and her son went back to Safeway for some mac-n-cheese.


Looks like I’m going to continue the “No Real Post Today” line of posts.

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No Real Post Today. Lazy Turd!

SSDD Sunday. I made Pot Roast with Taters and Carrots for dinner. Chores done. Laundry done. MCARC 2-meter Sunday Chat Net done. “Watching” various movies on one monitor while “playing” with VUE 2014 on the other. Being lazy.


I’m Old. I can be lazy if I want.


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Zombietown, USA

So, to liven up this rather normal Saturday morning, I went over and played with the Zombie Infection Simulator. Started an infection in San Diego (this is the U.S. map but I’m sure there are others) which took out people up to L.A. and pretty much stopped. Guess they figure Zombie’s would have trouble walking through the desert. East Coast was a different story though. It just kept on going.

Screenshot 2015-03-21 08.29.28

Not much else going on this early. Raining like a fool out there sometimes. Getting kind of windy too. I really would like a nice, sunny, day so I can get out and install that new transmission oil cooler.

Downloaded, installed, and started playing with VUE Pioneer 2014. I really like the VUE programs and am thinking of making some PERN sites if I can learn to use the program well enough. Hey, it’s free to try. Puts a logo on your render but you can get rid of that by buying one of the packs for it. Might be worth the bucks. Anywho, here’s my first landscape right out of the box.


So, I got this envelope from the Coach-Net (which we joined when we bought the Caravan) in the mail today, that said OPEN IMMEDIATELY! I didn’t. Let it sit on my desk for over half an hour before I finally opened it. I hate being bossed around by inanimate objects; machines, paper, my ex-, The government.


SWMBO got home about 1630 and took me to Casper’s (great pizza) for dinner. The usual stop at Safeway and we’re home. Short date today; but when you have Quality time together it really doesn’t matter how long it is.

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