Wet Out. Lazy Day All Around

It has been raining all danged day.  So I’ve been fairly lazy today. Got my usual chores done and damned little else.


Been Tumblr-ing and half assed watching movies between bouts of doing nothing. Still setting up programs I use in Windows. Mixed myself up a meat-loaf for dinner and that’s cooking as I sit here. Something called Mexican Rice, and broccoli to go with that. Cup of hot Herb Tea in hand. Lone Wolf McQuade on the tube. Scanning 2-meters in the background.


Cool! I get to pick my Schweetie up at the Ferry Landing tonight! Cool beans!

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Michelle Obama & Planet Of The Apes

Hey, Michelle. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, & quacks like a duck… Personally, I think you look more like a horses ass. (Or is that just because you act like one? Or because you’re married to one?)


I don’t know what started me off this morning, except, I was reading the News. Which I’m ready to quit doing. I see NObama wants to force everyone to vote. Wrong! Isn’t one of our “Freedoms” the right to vote or not? And while I don’t advocate forcing everyone to vote, I do believe that to be a “Citizen” you should serve a minimum of 4 years in the Military and vote. Yeah, sort of like in that movie “Starship Troopers” without the 90210 look.


Not much going on yet. Still a bit too early. Just finished my shower and about to get my usual bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios with crushed walnuts and dried blueberries added. Think I’ll go totally insane this morning and add some dehydrated banana’s!

So, much later: Spent the day pretty much as I usually do. Just getting my usual chores done and whatever else catches my eye. Got out and cleaned my 2-meter antenna and made sure the coax was connected and dry. Moved some of the junk around in the yard. Finally loaded all that snow fence I used to keep deer out of the garden into garbage bags. (It was so old and brittle it would just snap if you tried moving it anywhere.)


And that’s pretty much it. SWMBO is home safe (which is the important part for me) and I’ve been watching “Ancient Impossible” series for way too long (thanks, uTorrent!). Think I’ll go lay down and read for awhile.

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Power Went Out Around Midnight

Which turned out to be a planned outage, but we didn’t know about it. So, after I’d had a couple of hours sleep I suddenly woke up thinking I CAN’T BREATHE when my CPAP quit working. Looked out the window and the only lights I saw were the solar lights I have in the yard. Cool! Quiet! Went back to sleep until 0430 when the power came back on. Woke up long enough to put that machine back on.

How The West Was Won

So, of course, I wake with a headache this morning. And slept in until 0600 too so I missed my morning smooch from SWMBO. Really just been taking it fairly easy and not exerting myself most of the day. Damned headache. It’s almost nice outside too. Some sun before the rain moves back in tonight. Oh, Joy.

Took the dog for a walk around the back 40 then did some small jobs outside that I’ve been meaning to do. Nothing real strenuous but enough to get my blood moving. Seemed to help with the headache only as long as I was moving around.


For some reason, my reception was for shit on the MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Chat Net tonight. Everyone had a buzz so bad it was hard to understand them. They all said I had a good signal though. Could be the Sun causing problems?

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Linux Mint Cinnamon 17.1

SWMBO’s Windows 8 laptop went TU (cooling fan quit working), so, she being unable to do without a computer for any length of time (Genealogy & I wouldn’t deprive anyone, especially her, a computer for any reason), I set up her OLD laptop (missing it’s screen so you have to attach an external monitor) with Linux Mint Cinnamon and put it on her desk ready to use. My Lovely Young Bride of almost 30 years, who is normally highly resistant to changes  in her computing experience, took to it like a Convert at a Baptism. Very few questions or complaints.


But, here’s the part that cracks me up: I replaced the fan in her new laptop almost 2 weeks ago and gave it back to her working fine, and she’s still using the Linux laptop. Go figure! One would think she would jump right back on the Windows 8 bandwagon and swap the laptops before one could blink, think, or pick one’s nose!

I think that says something good about Linux Mint: When someone that has always used Windows (and wants to sit down and do it without caring how it does it) can sit down at a Linux machine and continue doing whatever it is they’re used to doing, with few complaints or questions, that’s a good thing. But, it’s also a good thing that most of what she does is online. Also that what she does is mostly fairly simple stuff: E-mail, Google searches, Genealogy, a few games, and watch tv/movies from our NAS’.


Personally, I hope she finds Windows 8 rather limited when she finally does switch back. Wouldn’t mind getting our whole house Windows free.

Not much going on today. Reinstalled Streamwriter and am jamming out to ChillTrax while getting my usual chores done. Burned the trash. (Your Mother was a milk carton!) Trying to make an appointment at a camp ground in Eastern WaRshington for a weekend in April. (Which I did so we’re going camping!)

Wow. That was strange! 1) that I actually laid down and took an hour long nap, and 2) that I had a “follow-up” dream. Sort of a “re-dream” with changes if you will. Both of which I rarely do.


I’m sorry. I don’t think I can watch the “News” anymore. Especially the local News. All I’ve heard today is whine, whine, whine, me, me, me, they, they, they, and the infamous “It Could Have Been” (much worse, deadlier, etc.). Sick of it. I’ve never heard a bigger bunch of cry-babies in my life. And when I start making exaggerated sounds of commiseration it’s time to turn it off. So I did.

At least it ain’t raining. (Oh, wait. That’s supposed to happen later tonight. Nevermind!)

And that’s about it for tonight. SWMBO is home safe and I’m gonna go spend some time with her.

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