Not A Very Lazy Sunday!

Which still started early for me. As usual. I’m just a day person.  Nice day out too. So nice I finally got off my fat, old, ass and moved some more of those cinder blocks from the old garden area to the new garden area. Sort of. Nearby anyway.


But it was a get naked, stay naked day. So I mostly did. SWMBO brought home a friend from church to give her some fabric;  luckily she arrived first and had me put some shorts on. Her friend brought her husband along; he seemed a nice guy. I didn’t see much of her (SWMBO’s friend) cause she was half buried in fabric containers SWMBO hauled out of her closet in her room.

Really haven’t been doing much else around here but enjoying the weather. Moving things around trying to get ready for the digger I hired for tomorrow.


Yesterday was our usual “date day” and we went to “Sisters Restaurant” in Shelton. I had one of the best chili burgers I’ve had in quite awhile. And the fries were top-notch excellent! (Shoestring fries fried just right. Crispy!) SWMBO had some kind of spinach things; which she said she enjoyed. Anywho, we’ll be going back to Sisters Restaurant again.

We also stopped by Walmart there in Shelton and got some “stuff.” Somehow, I have no idea how, we walked out with a bunch of “stuff” yet spent less than $100.

I Used To Fly SAR In This Helocopter Way Back When

By the time we got home it was time to just chill so I didn’t even try to post. Made up for that today though! Boring as it is.

I don’t know why I’m so sore. I moved only 20 of those cinder blocks.

I get to run the MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net tonight. Cool! Nope. Everyone reported that I was really scratchy so K7TIT ran it. Bummer! (It was almost a CF (Old Navy Term) getting anyone that was able to run the net.)

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Dog Poop Flying All Over The Place!

Bond03cdReally nice day out! Supposed to get up around 80 degrees! Cool! So, after making the Mail Run I figured that I might as welll get started early, while it was still somewhat cool, and started up my one whack weeder and whack weeded the Dog’s poop yard. Oh, Joy. Think I’ll start up my old rider-mower and do some mowing. Have to do a walk-around first and pick up all the fallen branches from our last storms.

Man, we already have a butt-ton of wasps around here! So far the best attractant I’ve ever found (flat Dr. Pepper) isn’t working. Guess it hasn’t been hot enough to make the wasps thirsty enough; I don’t know.


Wouldn’t you know! Was laying out and got stung by a wasp. Back of my left leg just above the knee. Good thing I’m not allergic! Painful though. Made my left leg kind of cramp up on the back. Didn’t last long. Rubbed some vinegar on the sting and it quit hurting within a couple of minutes. But, still.

Bond03ceDid the walk-around but wasn’t able to keep the old rider-mower running. I swear, if it involves a internal combustion engine I just can’t make it work. Well, other than the one whack weeder; and that took a shot of either to get it started.

Spent as much time outside today as I could. Moved some things around that I’ve been meaning to move all winter.  Started moving things out of the way (meaning: finally putting things away) so I can just mow when I pick my new rider-mower up tomorrow. Decided to take my old rider-mower over to my friends and let him fix it up and sell it if he can. We’ll just split however much he gets for the thing. Gets it out of my way too.

Bond03cfAnd that’s really pretty much it. Still tired cause I didn’t get a whole lot of sleep last night. Was doing okay until 0200 when the Renter started up his loud damn car and let it idle for 10-15 minutes. Finally got back to sleep only to have him come back around 0310. Damn, he’s got a loud car!

SWMBO should be home in less than an hour. Nice!

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Tried To Close My PayPal Account …

Forbidden00bBut they won’t let me. “There’s been an error …” and I have to contact customer service. By phone. Figures. Easy as Hell to sign up, but just try quitting. As bad as Facebook. And, yes, I’m trying to kill my PayPal account on account of the way they’re treating North Carolina (and soon Mississippi). Seems letting guys into the women’s locker rooms is way more important than LGBT people getting killed in other countries they do business in. (Not that I agree with the LGBT lifestyle; but, it’s damned hyprocritical of PayPal to not quit doing business with countries where they’re killed for their lifestyles while punishing North Carolina (and soon Mississippi) for trying to keep bathrooms/locker rooms segregated by sex.)

Forbidden02aAnd it ain’t gonna do y’all no good to rag my ass for the way I was brought up and my personal beliefs. Except to maybe prove I’m right. Ain’t no hate like a Liberal hate. (And I don’t hate anyone. Not even my Ex- anymore. Too time consuming. And, personally, I could give a rat’s ass about how you live your life; right up to the moment when you force it on me. Then we’s having us some troubles.)

Nice day today. A lay out Naked day. So, after chores I did. Oh, walked a mile on the treadmill too. Gonna (re-)start doing that for sure every day. I want to live a long time! (Mostly to bug people that don’t want me to.)

Forbidden04bOh! Yesterday I went and walked the Mall to get out of the house for awhile. Made the mistake of stopping in Barne’s & Noble. Spent $8 for “Aircraft of WWII” picture-book. My bad!

MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Chat Net went fairly well but kind of short as there were only 4 of us checking in tonight. Good thing I reminded them of our meeting this Saturday!

Not a whole heck of a lot going on. SWMBO should be home any minute and I’ll spend some time with her before I hit the rack. Think I may get up on the roof early tomorrow and get some of that pressure washing done.

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Early Warning Saves Thousands

Just not a whole lot going on around here. Normal Saturday. Nice “Date Day” with my Schweetie. Went to the All-you-can-eat Chinese place in Port Orchard. Walmart. Safeway. Home.


I was asked by an Author on Amazon to read one of her books and write an honest review on Amazon about it. So far the review would not be a flattering one. SWMBO explained it to me though; this woman author writes like women speak. That does explain a lot. But, a run-on sentence, even with comma’s, is still a run-on sentence. But I’ll finish the book and give my honest opinion. That’s what I contracted to do.


Some of the members of the MCARC asked me some time ago about installing Forums on our site. Can’t do that (hosted on, but, I can, and did, set up free Forums on We’ll see how that goes. I’m wiling to bet that, at most, one or two members actually use the things. Still, it didn’t cost anything but a bit of time to set up. And if it gets popular so much the better.

Anywho, almost a nice day today. Way cooler than it has been the last couple of days. Looking forward to the warm weather coming back. Even if I have to climb on the roof again. Which I will. Have to.

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It’s only 2030 but I think I’m going to go lay down and read some. I warned y’all that I’m pretty boring.

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