Another Fine Day. Busy. Outside.

Yesterday was a fairly decent day, so I made a run to Home Depot and bought 25 2”x3” boards to use as my forms for the cement bases for the new raised bed garden. Spent most of the day outside “doing things.” No idea what though. (Is that a blessing or a curse from getting Old?)

Still A Lot Of Work To Do!

So, today, after a prodrome (but no headache again) I got out and made the forms. They’re all where I want them and now I get to fill in the low spots. Still have no idea if I’m going to buy the ingrediants and do the cement myself, or, have it delivered and have to do it in a rush. (My time being their money, as it were.)


Started planning where I’m going to move my antenna’s. Started putting the 6-btv together to mount it. Measured the closet and know how wide a cabinet I can get to fit that. Got all my usual chores done AND a load of laundry. Damn, I’m good!

2016-05-04 13.52.40

This is supposed to be the last day this week that I’m to drop off, and pick up, SWMBO at the Ferry Landing. We’ll see.

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I Haven’t Posted Since When?

Last Friday? Damn! Where did the time go? Am I having that much fun?

Last Saturday was a pretty usual Saturday. I did things around the house until SWMBO came home from the Genealogy Library and took me on our Saturday Date. Burger King for a Whopper this week. Stopped by St. Vinnies to look through their “junk.” Bought some things at Lowe’s and made our usual Safeway stop on the way home.

Sunday I did things around the house until SWMBO got home from Church. Mowed both the back yards (the Side Back Yard and Back Yard, actually). SWMBO made spaghetti for dinner. (It was good.) Then we just chilled until bedtime.


Today it’s 90+ degrees out so I’m spending as much time as I can outside. As usual on a nice day. Put my shorts on and did most of the whack weeding that needed to be done around the house. Attached the grass catcher thing to the “new” rider mower just in case I ever want to do it for real. (I prefer the mulch thingie cause I can’t see why I need to dump a load of grass somewhere.)

Oh, took SWMBO to the Ferry Landing at 0540 this morning cause her Son is in Colorado (or somewhere that starts with a “C”). I get to go back and pick her up at 1945 tonight. Get to do this for the next 3 days too. Cool! Wish she could quit working outside the home.

Quick-washed the truck with that water-brush thing we got at COSTCO once. Seems to work okay. Would probably be really good with soap! And, no sooner than I finished dark clouds rolled in and the wind kicked up a bit. Figures. (Just enough breeze now to feel a bit cooler.)

And … We’re back. Nice ride tonight. Still warm enough to ride with the window down. Neato!

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Yesterday And Today

ob05bNice. Really nice. At 1500 yesterday it was 97 degrees here. Really nice. If I hadn’t spent half the day waiting for them to pick up the digger I rented, it would have been nicer. Still nice though. The afternoon was shot, you guessed it, by me just being outside enjoying the heat.

And today hasn’t been much “better.” Made the rounds of the local “junk” stores when I made the mail run. Just wanted to be out of the house for awhile. Didn’t find anything worth buying eiter. Ah well.

Been outside (of course) trying to figure how I want to attach this new (really short but works) 144/440 antenna to the Caravan. Think I’m going to super-glue the bracket I made to the speaker housing on the end of the awning. Then I’ll just have to figure how I’m going to secure the coax when in motion. Other than that, it should work just fine and I’ll add 2-meter/440 to my capabilities without having to climb into the truck. I’m so cool!


Well, the JT-6188 is in the truck and all hooked up and it seems to be working fine. Brought the IC-208H into the house and it will replace the IC-2000. (Although I’m not sure why; since I have that new BTech hooked up and running. Maybe I’ll reprogram it for just fire/sheriff/air/amb and use it as a “scanner.” Still, could be a “backup” radio.)

ob07cNot a whole Hell of a lot going on. Too hot for most folks around here. You should hear the bitching about “how hot it is” on the radio!

Tumblr sent an e-mail asking me to answer 8 questions. Sure. Why not? Clicked on the link, went to the page, answered the first question (you are 55-64. Yep.) and it told me to close my browser window. Guess they don’t want to hear from us Old Guys!

Anywho, 900 MHz Net went well. Could mostly hear everyone. MCARC 2-meer Wednesday Evening Chat Net went well. New BTech radio worked well. Reception was still buzzy but I really think that’s the antenna. Gotta get it higher!

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Sunny, Hot, Busy Day. Yay!

Digger showed up about 0830 (or so) and I’ve been on it all day. Got a lot done!

2016-04-18 15.42.46a2016-04-18 15.42.59a2016-04-18 15.43.21a

Driveway (did both upper & lower), New garden area behind the house, and the place dug out where SWMBO wants to put a rock/brick wall. Also made my new “road” so I can pull the Caravan around the house easily. (Which was why I had to move my garden in the first place.) Took most of the day to get just this done. (Also filled a couple of sink holes and worked on our main road some to get some of the bumps and holes out of it. Neighbors should be a bit happier for it.)

2016-04-18 12.47.58

The new BTech Mini UV-2501+220 came in (along with most of the rest of the “stuff” I ordered a couple of days ago). UPS got lazy and didn’t even try to deliver it (I would have seen the truck! I was doing the driveway) so I had to make a run to the Post Office to pick it up. Got it out of the box but not hooked up yet. Yet.

That GREAT Chiliburger I had at Sisters Restaurant last Saturday

Anywho, it’s almost 1800 and I’m pretty much done with the digger. Did all I’d planned and a couple of “extra” things I hadn’t. Was it worth the $300 to rent this thing for a day? Probably. And it didn’t come out of our pocket/budget. (Thank’s to the Renters!) None of what I did ended up “perfect,” but, pretty near. Now to rent a cement mixer and buy some cement and get my new planter beds started. And SWMBO’s wall, of course. (And I got a new butt-ton of rocks to pick up.)

Think I’ll go play with my new Raspberry PI 3 for awhile before going to bed.

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