Nice Outside Again. I Could Get Used To This!

Groucho02bNice couple of days, Wx wise. So nice yesterday I got out and mowed my neighbors yard. That’s the neighbor I like; not those I don’t like. He’s been gone for over a year, and I think he has someone that comes by to check his place and mow every so often, but they haven’t been around in awhile. Place was looking not lived in. It’s what you do to help neighbors. (Those that you like anyway. But not the neighbors-from-Hell out back.)


Did a bunch of other “stuff” too; just can’t remember what.

Today, I moved the caravan and took the whack-weeder to all the stuff that was growing up underneath it. That took awhile since it’s been awhile. Tried to start the rider-mower but the battery was/is dead. Think I forgot to turn it all the way off yesterday. My bad. I’m old. Good thing I have a 6-volt battery charger. (Which didn’t work, btw. Need to get my other charger back from out Renter.)


Started putting together another raised bed planter. Need one more cinder block in the size I’m using now to finish a 3rd. The rest will be built out of the stack of larger cinder blocks I have. Which means I’ll have to rebuild the forms. Which means I need some more 3” x 8’ boards to make new ends. Damn.

Took the Dog for a tour of the back 40. Nice out there. I really do enjoy us taking all our clothes off and going for a walk! I’ve never liked clothes though.


Anywho, the MCARC Wednesday Evening Chat Net is coming up shortly and I ought to check in to that. (It went well. Not a lot of people checked in though.)

And that’s my day. Exciting, I know.

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From Now On, When I Go Out To Eat During The Week

Just as soon as they get their Kiosks, I’m eating at Wendy’s. I really like their “Fuck You” attitude and will support them as much as I can. Can’t wait for the same thing to happen at other fast food places. How long do you think it’ll be before “they” call to make Kiosks illegal; that if a company has a job that a person can do then you will be required, by law, (or regulation if they can’t pass a law), to hire a person (at minimum wage) to do that job? Any takers?


bend1aYesterday my truck had an appointment @ 0900 for it’s last free oil change and check-up. After that I went to Home Depot and bought 10 80-lb bags of cement mix. Loaded it all myself too. Got home and unloaded it. Went to my friends and borrowed his mixer and brought it back. Spent the rest of the day mixing and pouring cement. All told, I lifted 3200 lbs of cement. By my Old self. And still got only 1 form almost filled. Damn! And I haven’t been that filthy in a long time!

Today I got out and mixed the last two bags and poured those into the form. Topped it off right nicely. Smoothed it our and put in the bottom rows of cinder blocks. Got a pain in my left jaw and was sweating like a pig (it’s only 75 degrees out there) so I figured I better take a break for lunch.


So, basically, I just lounged around the rest of the day just in case. Tried logging in to the Club’s Bank to download our latest statement; but it just wouldn’t let me. Oh, I could log in, but, not download the pdf file. Kept security erroring out. ???

Anywho, picked SWMBO up at QFC @ 1920. Dropped Netflix off at the Post Office, made a quick stop at MacDonald’s, and we be home. Think I’ll go lay down and read a bit. Meeting tomorrow morning.

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How To Put This Delicately?

Yesterday was fairly nice so I spent as much time outside as I could. (Y’all just might as well get used to that.) Playing with antennas and getting “outside” stuff done. Was fun. Even managed to take the Dog for a walk of the back 40. Cool!


Anywho, for lunch I had this “chili” something hot-pocket. It was okay but nothing to write home about. For dinner I had shrimp stir-fry, which had a butt-ton of broccoli in it. Well, needless to say, around 1900 I was feeling rather, shall we say, gassy. Bloaty. Almost achy.


And, about that same time, you guessed it, I started farting. Not your run of the mill farts either. Smelly farts. SM-EL-LY! Take a road-kill skunk, shove it up your ass, let it fermint for a couple of days, and sniff the results. Phew! The inside of all the windows have blistered over. Pain’t peeling off the ceiling. Neighbor lady 3 houses down the road was gagging and she wasn’t even having sex.


So bad that SWMBO insisted that I sleep on the couch. In Maine somewhere. And since I’ve been lucky enough to co-habitate with her for these past 30 years and always do my best to accomodate her requests, I did. The foot long butcher knife she was waving around had nothing to do with my decision! If she’s happy, I’m happy, and I still have my balls. (She slept with the knife just in case. I checked.)

Today was a pretty nice day too; much warmer than yesterday. So I spent it (guess) outside! Not all day cause I had things inside to get done; but mostly outside today. Made myself some fried fish for dinner and had some of the tater salad and BBQ beans left over from Sunday dinner. Tasty.


That 5-tb drive I slammed over the other day is toast. Cannot get it to let me read anything from it. I’ve tried all the utilities I have, different computers & external connections and all it wants to do is click, click, click, click. Damn!


So it’ll get taken apart and the platters will go in the box where the other platters I’ve collected are. Going to make a reflecting telescope out of them. Why not? The surfaces of the platters are almost perfect. Should reflect light fairly well. Hooking the to the satellite dish is going to be the hard part.

MCARC 10-meter Net went well even though only 4 of us checked in. 10-meters is squirrley around here.

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Another Nice Day! Wow!


We’re on a roll and I like it! I’d much rather be outside “doing things” on a hot day than inside on a rainy day anytime. I really do live in the wrong damn State. Probably live in the wrong Country. Should probably live on Guam or some other South Pacific Island. (Long as I have SWMBO and the Internet I’m okay with that!)

Worked on my forms (getting them level and evenly spaced) and moving dirt to around the outside edges (of the forms). Moved some rocks around. Mounted my 6-BTV antenna on one of the 4×4 I put in last summer. All my usual chores.

Just got a message from Microsoft about my OneDrive. They’e cutting me from 30 GB that I have now to 5 GB. (Well, not just me.) Still, that sucks. (And, of course, I can always subscribe to Office 365 or buy more storage!) There is hardly a day goes by that I’m not glad I switched to Linux; and now I may just kill off the Outlook accounts and OneDrive all together. Stick with Flickr for my photo’s, YouTube for my video’s, and my NAS for everything else. Have until August 10th to figure it out.

Actually, that would make life a bit easier too. Get rid of 2 e-mail addresses and whatever web sites I have membership to through them. Hmmm. Maybe I ought to seriously consider this?

us4aYep, just checked it out. Not using Outlook for anything but 1 e-mail account and 2 OneDrive’s. I could “upgrade” my storage to 50 GB (for a total of 85 after Aug 10) for $1.99/mo (which really doesn’t seem like a bad idea) and I’d need to keep one account for Skype. (Which I’ve only done with SWMBO and her brother once each.) Hmmm …

And that’s about it for today. Picked SWMBO up, brought her home, showed her my forms & antenna, she cut some roses, and we be just chillin’ for the rest of the night. (My head is trying to hurt too. Guess the prodrome’s caught up with me. Shit.)

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