Well, Its Friday Again. Oh Joy.

Started out pretty normally. Finished downloading a program. Spent some time in Google Earth putting place marks and text at places I’ve lived in my life. Still straightening up all the scans I’ve done. Shower. Breakfast.

Got the canning done . SWMBO now has 18 pints of applesauce to enjoy throughout the coming year. Wonder if that’ll be enough? It’s about time to do Chili again.

First Batch In!

Raining/sprinkling out and kind of foggy/misty. Neighbor came over with two cables for his new monitor wanting to know which one to use. (Use the only one that fits!) About to get out and check mail. (Half mile there. Half mile back. Good thing I gotta truck!)

Applesauce All Done!

SWMBO is going to drag me to the Church Christmas party later tonight. That ought to be fun. (Really!) Free Ham dinner! (Actually turned out kinda nice.)

New Windows 7 installation is still installing updates and wanting to reboot. Guess I outta do that…

How Many Pics I've Scanned To Organize!

Yep. Got some duplicates (triplicates. Quadruplicates!) in the directory(s) that I’m storing my scanned pictures in. Think I’ll pick just one person at a time, get them done, then move to the next one. Sure! That’ll happen…

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