My Usual 2nd Saturday Of The Month…

Meaning I had to get up early, shit, shower & shave and be out of the house by 0730 for the monthly MCARC meeting in Shelton. It was, as usual, a beautiful drive and I didn’t hit a deer.

Dragonrider's of Pern

Meeting was pretty ordinary; meaning there was a LOT of talking. But we did vote to get a new antenna for the repeater, spend what we need to on a porta potty for field day (and food for field day) and a couple of other things. (I’m not sure what but will be contacted when “they” need the bucks.)

Took my Drone with me and showed it off. All the guys want one! Smile


Dropped by KE7PHU’s on the way home so he could give me a cd of pictures one of the other guys has taken of club activities; so I can post the pictures on our web site. He also have me a pretty nice corner computer desk and chair(s). I’m thinking maybe our son can use them in his new room.

Got home around 1100 (and I did almost hit a deer on the way back), took the dog for a walk and started working on the garden area again. Put a couple of cross-beams up to hold the chicken wire we want the peas & beans to climb. It will also hold the orange fence stuff to keep the deer from jumping in the garden.


SWMBO and our son have gone to Home Depot for paint and some other things. I gotta get something to eat. Later!

Just been watching “Surface.”

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Pretty Normal Wednesday. So Far…

SWMBO took the truck for her class in Port Orchard today. I don’t know why since our son didn’t work today and her car was here. Was gonna make a dump run but will now have to do it some other day.

I'd Love To Have A Radio Shack Like This!

So I gathered all the burnables and burned them. Dishes. Finished off the laundry. Sat outside for awhile. (Too cool for me again today.) Updated the quotes you can see at the right. Killed all the spam entries on my Gallery guestbook (then killed the guestbook altogether. Thanks, Spammers! It’s a shame that “regular” people can’t have a nice site because of the spammers & hackers. Why they have to pick on the “little guys” is beyond me).

Tarzan & His Mate

BTW, did y’all thank Congress for making shopping online more expensive with their “Internet Tax Fairness” act? Thanks, Congress. Is there anything that isn’t “taxed” these days? Hell, one state (back East, thank God) is even going to tax folks for the RAIN that falls out of the sky onto their property.

Yes, I used the “G” word. Sue me! (I could have used the “A” word, but since I consider that particular Prophet a tin-plated Dick who only has followers because their “religion” allows them to abuse women & children (and blow people up), I didn’t.)

Dang! I Miss The Beach Sometimes!

I need a tower for my radio antenna! The noise level has gotten so bad I just cannot hear the rest of the 10-meter net on Tuesday evenings. Oh, no problem talking to someone in another state, but just try hearing someone in Shelton (a mere 25 miles away). It ain’t happening.

MCARC 2-meter Chat Net didn’t go worth beans tonight. Repeater sounds like it’s going TU. KF7VWA and I were well able to simplex. I recorded it to let the guys hear what I’m hearing at the meeting Saturday. We need to buy a NEW repeater! This one is costing too much just to keep running for a lousy job.

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SWMBO’s Happier Today! (Good Thing!)

It’s a whole lot cooler today than yesterday. By about 15 degree’s. Which made SWMBO happier. Everyone knows: Happy SWMBO, Happy Me. (But I like it warmer!)


But just not much going on. Took the dog for a couple of walks. Laundry. Dishes. Chili Dogs & Bakes for dinner. Little bit of MSFSX. Yeah, the usual. I did attach the other coax to my 6btv antenna and it’s working great. No SWR at all!


SWMBO made a trip to Joann’s Fabric in Port Orchard for “schtuff.” Then to the Naval Hospital to get us signed up for Tri-Care (Standard). (So much for “Free Medical For The Rest Of Your Life” for serving 20+ years in the military. But don’t get me started!) Stopped at Lowe’s for electrical tie’s. (She’s Awesome!)

MCARC 10-meter chat net @ 1930. Seemed to go well even though I could really hear only AE7GC well enough to tell what he was saying. I think I live in an electromagnetic hole even though I live on a hill. I really think something at the dump pumps out the noise that interferes with my reception so much. Will check it out.

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Holy Crap! It’s After 1900…

And I haven’t even started this yet. Although I just did. I think.

Still not much going on around here. Nice Wx day again. Got up to around 90 degrees and I was just loving it. It’s cooled down to 82 degrees right now so SWMBO is a bit happier with that.

I Want To Vacation Here!

Went for walks. Did a couple of “flights” and didn’t hit anything. Got up on the roof and took my 2-meter antenna down, replaced the coax with some better coax, put the antenna back up and haven’t been able to contact anyone for a radio check even though I do trip the repeater. Will try again later.

Really looking forward to the new Star Trek Movie!

Speaking of radio: started checking sites for RV rentals for “Field Day” this year. Expensive! I’ll probably wind up using my 2-man tent and the truck. That should do me. Will be even better when SWMBO shows up! I’ll probably be doing the PSK-31 thing again.

Looking up game controllers for the Nexus 7. Confusing! All I want is to be able to control my Drone better.

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