Pretty Much A Normal SSDD Thursday!

But I did manage to get down in the basement for awhile and work on putting that room in. Had to stop to put dinner together; spaghetti & steamed cauliflower. Yummy!

Managed to get out between the raindrops and make a couple of flights. Two flights. One bush. One antenna wire. My aim is improving!

Forest Gump

Made a run to the Post Office and mailed off the thumb drives to my Father-in-law with some things I think he’ll like. Stopped by Blockbuster and rented Resident Evil 2-4 and Forest Gump. Blue-ray rocks!

Chloe Sullivan-Smallville

Did a hard re-boot of my radio (yesterday? Day before?) to see if the CAT problems would fix itself. Didn’t. So spent several hours last night putting everything back into memory and getting it all back to the way I usually have it. Kind of fun!

Man, some of this music from Gump in Vietnam sure brings back some memories!

And that’s about it for now…

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