Took SWMBO to breakfast at the FPH in Port Orchard for breakfast. As always, the food was good and the company was great!
Then we went to the RV place in Silverdale cause I wanted to show SWMBO an R-Pod RV. I’ve been thinking of getting something a bit smaller, and lighter, than the 23 ft RV trailer we have. So, showing her the R-Pod made sense.
Except we wound up putting a down on this:
Which is smaller and 1500 lbs lighter. And they offered $11k trade in ($0 owed) and the payments will be only $100/mo (would have been $88 but they’re pretty sure the finance company will want $100/mo). So we’ll see how that works out. If nothing else, it’s a chance to take everything out of the RV and clean it up really good. (Not that we don’t take care of it as it …) Still, I did NOT set out to buy a new RV today.
Made something called Karaage (a kind of Japanese fried chicken) for dinner. I was not impressed. And, apparently, my gut doesn’t like one (or more) of the ingredients (ginger root, garlic, soy sauce, or Sake cooking wine) and I got the screaming shits about an hour after eating.
Oh, Joy.