Damned Mosquito’s!!!

Stayed up until 0100 to watch the meteor shower. Saw 3 or 4. Saw one that looked like it streaked straight for a jumbo jet that was North of us. Streak started way up high and went down straight behind the jet. Was cool.


Tried laying down to sleep until about 0300 or so to try again; but could not get to sleep. So at 0200 I was out again. Saw a few more but not many. THEN I had trouble keeping my eyes open so I set up my video camera (just in case), started it videoing and went back to bed. Made sure the alarm I had set for 0300 was turned off!

Got up at 0800 and have been enjoying my entirely normal SSDD Tuesday. At least we have some nice Wx out there! Already been on a couple of walks.

Making meatloaf, mashed taters and mixed veggies for dinner while SWMBO is making a run to the Naval Hospital to refill her meds. Made too much meatloaf and had to bag some up and freeze it. Ought to make great meatloaf burgers some other time!


Dinner turned out well if I do say so myself. Now just hanging around waiting for the MCARC 10-meter Chat Net to start @ 1930. Think me and the dog will take off all our clothes and go for a walk…

Think I’ll go to bed early tonight. Stayed up too late last night trying to watch meteors. I’m Old, Dammit!

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