What A Nice Day!

Not warm, but sunny. So I went out to the property after church (which starts at 0900 for us now) and worked on the road. On the way I stopped and got some video. I really like the HD camera SWMBO got me for Christmas!





Got about 1/3 of the road repaired. Moved a lot of dirt to do it! I really kind of enjoy getting outside and moving dirt around.

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Is This Really True?

Really grim if true. This is about the fourth time I have seen this picture. It doesn’t appear to be photo-shopped. But it hardly makes any difference. Both Barack and Hillary voted against protecting the flag from desecration ( burning it is a “First Amendment Right”….but heaven help you if you call a deviate a deviate in public..). Both Barack and Hillary voted against making English the official language of the USA. Both Barack and Hillary voted to give illegal aliens ( felons and lawbreakers ) social security benefits, medical benefits, and other privileges that many legal citizens cannot afford for themselves. Don’t even ask about their military record. “Fifth column” comes to mind. Has the spirit of this country been neutered????

I had heard about this but a picture is definitely worth 1000 words! God save us!!!


Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem. Barack Hussein Obama’s photo (that’s his real name)……the article said he REFUSED NOT ONLY TO PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE PLEDGE…..how in heaven’s name can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief????

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More Things That Bother Me…

Billy Mayes(sp?). Well, not specifically Billy Mayes, even if it seems he’s always yelling at me, but those kind of commercials. It bugs me how they portray anyone not using their product as totally clumsy, incompetent and just plain stupid. People just aren’t (usually) going to be that physically challenged emptying their vacuum or cutting a tomato. Or any of a dozen other activities. But, no, if you aren’t using their product you’re a total dweeb! I hate that! You want to sell me something? Then show me how your product is better without showing me how stupid I am. Even if I am. Which I’m not. But don’t get me started…

Not much going on around here. I could not get to sleep last night. Have a cold. Took a sudafed a couple of hours before bedtime. Didn’t work. If I wasn’t awake trying not to drown in my own snot I was awake with a sore throat from breathing through my mouth. Finally about 0330 I just got up. Watched tv until about 0630 when I could barely hold my eyes open and went back to bed. Slept until about noon.

Just been lazying around the house with my ever-present roll of paper towels. I could open my own snot factory! Sneezing. Coughing. Stuffy head. Gad! I sound like a commercial myself!

It’s been raining off and on all afternoon. Sometimes raining hard!! I have mixed feelings. I’ve lived up here so long I really hate the rain now. But if all that came down as snow this area would be in real trouble! But I’d almost rather see it snow than rain. Won’t want to see either once I get my digger back out to the property.:grin:

Rains a lot up here in Warshington.

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Things That Bother Me…

We went to the movie last Friday night and saw "The Golden Compass". Before the picture they have what used to be called "The 20". This is 20 minutes of commercials that they take commercial breaks from to show us other commercials. The commercials that bother me the most are the Television commercials. Hey, Theaters! If I wanted to see Television commercials I’d have stayed home and watched Television! What part of this is hard to understand? I swear; every time I go to a movie I get one step closer to never going to a theater again. Not only do I have to put up with tv commercials their gheedunk too expensive. And I won’t even get into the ass sitting somewhere near me that doesn’t understand SHUT THE HELL UP or didn’t see the 47 notices to TURN YOUR CELL PHONE OFF NOW, dipshit.

I love the Discovery Channel. And the History Channel. And the Science Channel. And the National Geographic Channel. But sometimes they really crack me up. MEGA-DISASTERS is the latest. Seems that if I’m not fried by a Mega-Gamma Ray Burst I’m going to drown in the Mega-Flood from the Mega-Tsunami. If the Mega-Tornado leaves anything of me after the Mega-Quake. Both of which will probably be a result of the Mega-Asteroid impact that helps to restart the Mega-Volcano in Yellowstone Park. Assuming I haven’t already died of the Mega-Disease that’s going to decimate the world or our Sun Going Nova. But what will probably take us ALL out is us killing ourselves because "Ice Road Truckers" is the most interesting thing on tv some night and we’ve seen all the movies in our collections too many times to bother.

I just love the way they word things in these programs too. This COULD happen… This COULD kill you… IF this happened… This WILL happen IF… Well, DUH! I’m glad I’m not one of those people that sit at home watching these programs then rush out to keep watch for the Mega-Flood/Tsunami/Asteroid etc, etc. I could be a nervous wreck! I have enough with wondering which of my kids is going to show up at the door needing a place to stay ’for awhile.’ Yeah, sure. Figure those odds then run right out and bet on NOT!

Not much going on around the old homestead. Keeping the place clean and the woodstove full. SWMBO’s off to the office today so I think I’ll sit around in my underwear, scratch my ass, sniff my finger and NOT wash my hands. Oh, speaking of washing. Washed the dog today. He seems to really enjoy the top-loading washer but just can’t get the hang of the front-loading dryer.:-P

Wonder Woman!

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