I Hate This Headline!

www2aWhile I’m out mowing, whack weeding, moving things around, Hell, just laying out in the sun, I can think of some pretty damned catchy Headlines. All are funny, or politically incorrect, or just plain thought provoking. But, then I come in, make dinner, start up the Windows VM and totally forget all the great ideas I had when away from the keyboard. Same for how I was going to start the first paragraph.

Watching A Storm In The Mid-West Today.

Made a run to COSTCO for a new chair. Nice ride there and back. Chair was $160, and I had to “assemble” the thing; but it feels pretty comfortable. Doesn’t have those side supports on the front of the arm rests; which my legs were always pressing up against. It hurt. Padded butt-rest too. Nice. I can now sit with my ass completely towards the back, the bend in my knees just reach the edge of the seat, and my feet are flat on the ground. Nice.


Got tired of ripping and converting our “Sliders” discs so I went out and rode the rider mower around both the upper front yards. Didn’t rain on me once! Whoo Whoo. Still need to get out with the whack-weeder but that will probably be tomorrow. If I don’t decide to climb on the roof and continue pressure washing it. (Which SWMBO doesn’t want me to do. Climb on the roof with no one else home. Cause I’m OLD.)

z1bYesterday I didn’t get a lot done. Early, I was “straightening up” some of the (25,000+) Family pictures I’ve scanned and been meaning to “straighten up.”,” when I went through a complete “prodrome(?).” Usually that heralds the onset of a Migraine.  Didn’t actually get a headache, but, did get the post-headache “fuck-its.” Just didn’t feel like doing anything. All day. I hate those days!

Wow. Seven people checked in to the MCARC 10-meter Tuesday Evening Chat Net. Unusual! I had to keep switching antenna’s to hear and be heard. Used my home-made multi-band fan dipole to Tx so everyong could hear me, and the 6-160 dipole to listen. It’s just more clear.

Anywho, that be it for tonight. Just not a lot happening & SWMBO should be home anytime now.

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