Damn Headaches!

Was kinda sorta hurting when I woke up this morning but got worse through the day. Just the right side of my head today. Still, must mean weather changes on the way. Yep, I really think the headaches come on when there’s going to be a big weather change. But it could have come from the box of Whoppers I ate yesterday also. (Once or twice a year shouldn’t cost that much!)

1949-National-TV7M. My 7 inch Nexus does more!

Just doing things around the house, and outside as much as possible before it starts raining again tonight. Sprayed Bleach on part of the grass growing in the lower gravel driveway to see if that will really works.

Gonna make a dump run soon as SWMBO is ready, to drop off the plastics and glass. I’ll tell you; if we didn’t throw the vegetable stuff in the yard and recycle plastics & glass I’d be making a dump run a week. Which would still be cheaper than having the Waste Management folks come pick it up.


Streamed a couple of moves from Netflix on the Nexus 7 last night. Nice. Only paused a couple of times. Very viewable and, with the earbuds, the sound was good too. The Nexus is proving it’s value in being able to do “other” stuff on it; check Google+, Outlook Mail, read the News and control the Drone of course.

No. Really. Forget You Saw This!

Made a “flight” and got some video of SWMBO mowing. Cool! After our dump run, she made a run to get some gas for the mower and picked up the Oriental Dinner for three at Safeway. We’ll have the Salmon patties I thawed out tomorrow evening.

MCARC 2-meter net tonight @ 1930. Should be better than the 10-meter  net last night. Hopefully…

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Again. And Again. SSDD

Although I did get out of the house. Made a Post Office & Key Bank run. Picked up mail on the way back. Finished some laundry. Dishes. Wondering what to make for dinner. Took the dog for a walk. All the usual stuff.

Been making time-lapse videos of clouds. We actually had a couple of peals of thunder yesterday. Hope I got them on video. I know that’s probably not very exciting for all y’all; but around here it’s rare. I like thunder and lightning and hope to get out somewhere  they have a lot of it and make some video. Given the right place & money I could be a “Storm Chaser.”

Twin Tales of Terror!

SWMBO wants to make the “plastics” run to the dump around the corner. Cool!

Tomorrow is MY anniversary. One year smoke free! I’d have never believed it. I smoked for going on to 45 years before I got smart and quit. Thank goodness for my Volcano e-cig though. (And I’m down to 1 soda a day; from (usually) a 6-pack a day.) Course, I’m still a Fat Old-Guy…(And, hopefully, I’ll continue to get older!)

Free Rasputin Beard With Admission!

Bent a rotor shaft on my Drone and HAVE to buy replacement parts. So far everything I need (want?) totals about $60. Not impossible but an additional expense I didn’t really need.  If I had been “smart I’d have ordered extra parts when I bought the thing! But, NOooo!

Worked on one of the raised garden beds for awhile getting all the grass & weeds out of it. Phew! I Miss My Digger! (Sometimes.) But I figure why not get outside when the weather is okay? It’s going to eventually need to be done anyway.

You couldn't get away with this ad today!

Decided on Lasagna & Texas Toast for dinner. Good stuff!

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Monday. Monday. So Good To Me…

Well, any day that one wakes is a good day! Smile

Unfortunately, not much but regular SSDD type stuff going on. Did manage to get out for a couple of flights when it wasn’t raining. But it really didn’t rain much.

Laurie Lane

Speaking of which: spent a lot of time online today looking up ways to extend the Wi-Fi range on this thing and prolong battery life. Prolonging battery life is the EASY part; just buy “bigger” batteries. Extending the Wi-Fi range involves a whole lot more! Including getting to the motherboard and soldering. But, I don’t think it’s anything I can’t handle and there’s a nice antenna package for the drone for $15 at this one site. Hmmm…

Bonnie Parker

SWMBO had lunch with the girls today so I don’t have to cook dinner. Will probably make myself one of those frozen pizza’s we have in the freezer.

Watching CNN about those explosions in Boston. The “talking heads” (which we couldn’t see, thankfully) piss me off. Hey, let’s state the obvious! Hey, let’s state some wild theories. Hey, let’s show just how stupid we are and speculate about what *could* have happened. The on-scene “reporters” aren’t any better. I wish, just once, they’d come on and just tell us the facts then shut the hell up!

2013-04-15-Boston Marathon Bomb

Now they’re saying it was a Terrorist action/attack. Even Senator Diane Feinstein says so. Why, hell, I guess it’s true if she says it! Quick, we’d better outlaw Terrorists. (Oh, wait. We already did. Sure stopped this from happening, didn’t it.)

I do feel sympathy for the victims & their families and hope we catch the sneaky bastards that set off those bombs.

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Except For Having To Climb On The Roof…

It was a fairly normal Sunday. SWMBO made dinner (2nd day in a row!); carbonized steak, taters all-rotten & Peas and it was delicious!

Rained most of yesterday but not really that much today. Managed to get out and “fly” a couple of times. Really too windy to go very high though. And it just feels danged cold out.


MCARC Sunday Chat Net went well even though we had only 4 check-ins. Guess everyone that usually joins us was busy doing other things. But, that’s okay; we all get busy sometimes.

Not me though. Other than regular housework and some laundry I really haven’t done anything of note this weekend. Still setting up the radio (programming in all those frequencies is a pain! Think I’ll order the programming cable.)

Colt Ad 1991A1

Speaking of ordering: I ordered a Kodak P811BK 8×10 Personal Photo and Negative Scanner from Amazon and it should be here in about a week. Figured it would be much easier to stuff in my backpack and take with me than the scanner/printer I use now. AND it might free up some desk space! (That would be a GOOD thing.)

Used to be!

Just not much going on. Oh, why I had to climb on the roof: To untangle and retrieve my Drone, of course! Took off and ran straight into an antenna wire. Doofus!!

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