Is It Sunday Yet? Oh, Wait. It Is!

So, welcome to a new week! Hope it’s a great week for all y’all and you win the lotto!

Not much going on around here today. Usual Sunday stuff. I started the laundry but haven’t done any more to it. (I’ll be right back!) (There. Went and set it to rinse & spin the load of white’s so I can get the darks in. Forgot I put my bathrobe in to be washed and need to get that done before bedtime…)

There, now you’ve seen me actually DO something! Impressed? Yeah, me too.

HM "A" School. 1973? 74? Taken in Balboa Park.

MCARC 2-meter chat net @ 1930 and I’m still trying to make up my mind if I want to be Net Control tonight or not. Oh, sure. I usually am Net Control but sometimes having to do it is a bummer. Mostly I enjoy it though.

Scanned (re-scanned in some cases) the last of the larger pictures I have in a box. Now to sort all those pictures (over 10k at last count) into directories then try to put them into some sort of order (young to old?) and get them published/posted.

USS Plymouth Rock (LSD-29) 1978 or so.

Spent a couple of hours the other night (and some last night) uploading pictures I’ve scanned to my SkyDrive (link at right) both to back them up and to let the family look them over if they’re interested. I’d sure like to get hold of my aunt’s & uncle’s photo albums for awhile! Especially for the OLD pictures. Maybe I ought to put an “ad” on Facebook saying that they can all send me their photo albums and I’ll scan the pics and send them back with a copy of their pics on cd/dvd. Hmmm…

NRTF, Dixon, Ca 1977 or so. It's hard to remember anymore.

Damn! Sometimes I can’t believe I was young (and really stupid) sometimes.

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ALMOST A Lazy Day…

About the only thing I did was get down in the basement and framed in a couple of walls for a room. That took only about an hour or so. Did a nice job of it if I do say so myself. I am getting OLD though!


Other than that just not much going on for a Saturday. Dog and I went for a couple of walks but it tried sprinkling on us both times so we’ve stayed in most of the day. Too wet and windy to go for a “flight.”

Didn’t get my stand for the Nexus 7 either today. Checked on it yesterday and found it checked into Auburn so I thought it might get here today. Oh well.


The repair parts for the Drone will be a long time coming. Middle to the end of next month. Bummer!

It was SWMBO’s week to join a cleaning crew at the Church, and she wasn’t sure how many other folks would show up, so I volunteered to go and help her. Good thing I did! Nobody else showed up. Luckily all we were assigned to clean was the heads. Easy Peasy.


And that’s all from our neck of the woods!

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Actually, A Pretty Usual Type Of Friday.

SWMBO had a class over Port Orchard way @ 1300 today so she needed the truck. So I stayed home and did some of the things I’ve been meaning to do. Hadn’t really anywhere to go or be anyway; so what the heck.

REALLY looking forward to the new Star Trek movie!

She picked me up after her class and took me to dinner at the Teriyaki Chicken place in Gig Harbor. Good food but way too much! (Food just tastes better when we eat together.) Smile

Then she took me for a tour of Home Depot (and bought a rose bush and kitchen type trashcan)(and some fencing for the peas/beans to climb this summer) and then we spent way too much money at COSTCO (as we usually do when we go there).


And we’re home and things are back to “normal.”

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It’s Another Thursday Morning…

And, I didn’t wake with a headache! Thought I would as it really hurt my nose to wear my glasses while reading last night; and that usually means a migraine is coming on. Usually. And isn’t that a strange precursor to a migraine.

SAR Training Back In The Day...

Got my new Kodak P811 8×10” scanner today. As you can see it works pretty good. I got this one cause it’s highly portable. Family Reunion Time!

SAR Training Back In The Day...

Not much else going on around here. Took SWMBO and the dog for a walk. Kinda nippily out there. Salmon patties for dinner. (They turned out good!)

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