Well, It Finally Happened!

Got up early and went out to the property and started moving dirt around. Damn near froze my ass off! Digger started right up and I got a lot of work done though. Finished off about another third of the road. Dug out the lower catch basin. Made it about half as wide but twice as deep. That widened the road a bit too. Cool! Had to quit around 1400 though so I could go home and get warm!

Got home and asked SWMBO if she minded if we went for Teriyaki Chicken or MacDonald’s or something instead of me cooking. She chose Teriyaki. So we climb into her car and off we go.

I’ve been on SWMBO for years to keep a decent amount of gas in her car. I’ve always told her that if I get in her car and we run out of gas before we can get to a gas station that SHE would have to walk to get a can of gas. Well, about half way to Teriyaki we run out of gas. So SWMBO got to walk about 1.8 miles to the gas station and 1.8 miles back to the car. She had to buy a gas can also. But she got a 1+ gallon size and it just wasn’t enough to get the car started. So we wound up calling a friend to come and take her to get more gas (in a bigger can). I, meanwhile, sat with the car. Except I didn’t sit. I had to walk around cause it was FREEZING!

So, we left the house around 1500, finally got to dinner about 1830 and finally got back home about 2000. I’m still cold! Getting a good fire going in the woodstove though so it shouldn’t be too long before I’m warm again. Although I am thinking of a hot shower after "Dirty Jobs."

Ain’t It The Trooth!

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What A Nice Day!

Not warm, but sunny. So I went out to the property after church (which starts at 0900 for us now) and worked on the road. On the way I stopped and got some video. I really like the HD camera SWMBO got me for Christmas!





Got about 1/3 of the road repaired. Moved a lot of dirt to do it! I really kind of enjoy getting outside and moving dirt around.

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We Have A Term In The Navy…

For a day like today. It’s called "CF".

Woke up early to find that the power had gone out for a couple of hours last night. Luckily I woke up early. Kim was supposed to be at the house around 0730 to go get the trailer I reserved to move the digger out to the property. He didn’t show up until after 0800; but I was glad he took the time to help me out. We had to stop by Home Depot and buy a 2 5/16" ball for his hitch and a pipe to help with the chain binders. Then he stopped for gas. Then it started to snow (really snow) just as we pulled into the rental place in Gig Harbor. So I got the trailer rented and we pulled around back and the yard worker refused to hook the trailer up to Kim’s truck. Said we needed a 3/4 ton (Kim’s truck is 1/2 ton) and a 3 point hitch. Damn! But we were really worried about the weather anyway so it didn’t come to a real disappointment that we couldn’t get the trailer. So Kim dropped me back at the house. After leaving Gig Harbor we didn’t see one flake of snow and barely any rain. Guess I just wasn’t meant to get my digger back to the property today.

Rest of the day was windy and rainy. Felt really cold when I made a run to Freddy’s. Thought for sure it would be snowing again but haven’t seen any all afternoon. Spent an hour or so cutting up chuck roast and grinding it into hamburger and getting it sucker bagged. Not a lot of fat in it. Then I trimmed and sucker bagged 10 lbs of chicken breasts. Made SWMBO cheese ravioli and texas toast for dinner. Gave Poop Dog most of mine (ugh!).

And that’s about it. Think I’ll either set up and scan some pictures or go fly something I haven’t flown before and crash somewhere I haven’t crashed before.


I’m really looking forward to this movie!

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Damn Weather Persons!

Yesterday and day before the Weatherpersons were talking/warning us about a new storm moving in. Was supposed to drop 1″ to 3″ of snow over the whole area. Well, here in (our part of) Olalla all we got was 1″ to 3″ of RAIN! Didn’t see a flake of snow where we are. Then, Poop Dog and I took off for the property around noon. Got to the top of the first hill and saw a few flakes of snow. Got to the top of the next hill and got a few more flakes of snow. Was definitely snowing on the freeway. Then by the time we hit Port Orchard it was really snowing. Traffic slowed down and everything. So, instead of spending 3 hours getting out to the property I decided to come on back home. Poop Dog didn’t get a vote. I was driving this time. Took the Sedgwick exit and by the time we got over the hill to where Freddy’s is it was raining. Rained all the way back to the house except when we crossed over the freeway. There it was snowing. Strange! And rained all night! Can you tell I’ve been in Warshington too long?

Today was our fairly usual Friday date. Took SWMBO to a late breakfast in Port Orchard then we went and saw the new “National Treasure” movie. The movie was okay (seemed kind of lackluster to me and all the major stars look like they’re trying to win the bulimic of the year award) but being out with SWMBO was great! (As Usual!) Got back to the house about 1630 and have been straightening up my Television & Movie drives and getting them back up and running. The Television drive messed up and I managed to move most everything off it before I reformatted it. Damn, I hate doing that! Took over 285 minutes to move the tv programs to another disc. But I got it all put back together and it all seems to be working right so I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

Anywho, that’s about it. Gotta feed two hungry Missionaries tomorrow (today now) at 1630 so I guess I won’t be going out to the property unless I get up really early. Was thinking of taking my new widescreen camera out there and recording the sunrise of something…

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