Just Not Much Going On

GADS, my life is boring sometimes! And I don’t even have the decency to keep it to myself. I have to get on here and regale Y’all with my boring days!


Made a Safeway run and filled the truck and the can with $3.02/gal gas. Rained pretty much the whole time I was out. Good thing I also got two donuts to console myself…

Then spent all afternoon canning tomato’s. Got 7 quarts (cause one didn’t seal) and 23 pints (cause one broke). Now, what to do with them? Still have cases of tomato’s left over from last year we haven’t used. I know! I’ll keep them for when we shelter in place from the Ebola.


MCARC 2-meter Wednesday Evening Chat Net went well. About 10 check-ins. Roland (KC7WNJ) does a good job. We had a real downpour here while the Net was going on.


And that’s pretty much it for tonight. Net’s over. Think I’ll watch Big Bang Theory and hit the rack.

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