I Really Like Days That

You can wear nothing but hat & sandals for most (if not all) of the day. And today was that kind of day. Warm but not too hot. Passing clouds. No rain (so far). Nice!


SWMBO took me to the new restaurant here in Belfair for breakfast. They would not, at this time, get a passing grade from me. We got sat. Waited 15 minutes for someone to offer us something to drink while we wait. Another 5 minutes for the waitress to take our order. About a half hour later we got served; but only after mentioning how long we’d waited to the manager while he was making  his rounds to see how everyone was doing. But we will give them at least one more chance after waiting a couple of months until they settle in to what they’re doing. If they screw that one up we’ll probably never go back.


Just been puttering around the house. Got the mower & weed whacker out and got some of the lawns I can’t get on the rider-mower. Cleaned out the tent-trailer and got it neat enough to hand back to the owner if he ever asks for it. Cleaning the grill now. Folded it back up for travel so all we have to do is hook it up and take off.

Started the taters baking and got our grill cleaned to throw the BBQ Ribs on in an hour or so. Gotta find a veggie to add to that. Unfortunately, the peas in the garden just aren’t ripe enough or I’d get some of them.


SWMBO got the day off; holiday you know. Doesn’t get paid for it but it’s nice having her home during the day. Didn’t get to change my routine much, but still nice to have her home. She’s the best company!

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