Just A Little Bit Of SSDD Around Here

Started snowing right at 0700 this morning. Put down about an inch before it turned to rain; and now it’s all almost gone. Dog and I even took a walk while it was snowing. Turned to rain while we were out. Bummer!


SWMBO got home from church and fixed Ham, Mac & Cheese, and Peas for dinner. Yummy. She took the Dog for a walk while I cleaned up the mess. (Didn’t take long.) Fr17Now we’re kind of sitting around waiting for her Home Teachers to drop by. Should be soon …

They came over and visited for awhile. Nice people. Somehow we start talking about politics. Everytime. But it’s okay cause they’re as redneck as I am.

The MCARC 2-meter Sunday Evening Chat Net went well. They actually heard me tonight! Not really static free, but, hey, they heard me.

Anywho, that’s really all that’s going on. I’m gonna go read a bit.

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