This Did Not Post For Some Reason

And I was too pissed at the crappy Internet connection to notice: The Headline Was: Cold. Rainy. Went To The Beach and I’m gonna post it now. Last Sunday:

After our morning absolutions (and me making a run to Walmart on the other side of Aberdeen to get some tools to fix a leak) we headed out.

Took 101 North to some podunk road that headed towards Pacific Beach. Rained all the way.  Drove out onto the actual beach and parked for a bit. Got out and walked the Dog around. He tried to eat every shell he sniffed out. Dipshit. But, holy shit, it was cold and windy and somewhat rainy and after about 10 minutes I’d had enough. Back in the truck for me!

Followed the road back to Aberdeen (another stop at Walmart) and back to the campground. Tried fixing that damned leak (back of the toilet. Fresh water leak) but tightening everything up and putting one of those hose clamps on (which you CANNOT tighten up enough!) hasn’t worked. So, we’ll just have to continue being frugal with water and making sure we check how full the catch bowl is.

Raining like crazy off and on. Sucks. Nice to be out with SWMBO though. So nice that I made Thrive-Spaghetti for dinner. (It was okay. Wouldn’t want a steady diet of it and next time I’ll be adding more spices and stuff to it.)

Anywho, that’s really about all there is. We’ll be heading home tomorrow.

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Well, It just Ain’t Gonna Work!

image2We be at the Hoquiam RV Park (in Hoquiam, WA) and I’ve been trying to log in to their Wi-Fi. Ain’t working. SAYS it’s connected and secured; just won’t bring up any sites I try to go to. Looks like I’ll have to turn my phone hot spot on.

So, yeah, I’m on my laptop. I’ll try my new tablet later. Or the LG. Which has started going TU on me. Which is why I had to buy another tablet. Forgot though: the LG has 4G on it to let me do things even when there is no Wi-Fi available. New tablet doesn’t so I have to turn my phone hot spot on. Ain’t modern life a kick!

SWMBO got home right on time and we took off to come here. Was a nice ride even if it did rain about 3/4 the way. She made it nice. Even when she started bugging me about having to make a “rest” stop. I actually had to pass someone! Pretty bad when a guy pulling a trailer passes your ass!

Caravan is working okay except I have a leak from the back of the toilet. Looks like where the hose attaches. Will look for an open hardware store in our travels tomorrow. Really flooded out the head though! At least it was clean water. And the furnace worked just fine once I remembered to turn on the gas. (Funny how that works.)

And that’s really about it. Dog’s doing okay on this trip. I think he’ll work out as a travel dog. Which is good since we’d prefer it that way.

I’m tired. That pizza we had delivered (camping out!) has filled me up and made me sleepy. Think I’ll lay down and read a bit.

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Rainy Rainy Rainy Damn Day!

Monique4dI swear! If it wasn’t raining, it was raining hard. Then a bit harder for awhile. Dog doesn’t really understand rain (except he thinks it’s okay to poop inside while it is raining) and wants to go for walks. Ain’t happening with how hard this rain is coming down. A sprinkle, maybe.

So, we’ve been stuck inside all day. Sucks! Oh, we did make our mail run to the PO and checked our box on the way back (and made a quick stop at Taco Bell for a Taco Salad (without rice)), but, other than that, nada.

NC349-01Started putting the food together for our camping trip this weekend. Looks like it’s going to rain for the whole thing. Crap. So, we could go on the trip and be cramped together in the 23 ft trailer at a camp-ground, OR, we could stay home and be cramped together in our gigantic freakin’ house with all our “stuff.” Hmmm. Camping it is then.

Listened in on the MCARC 10-meter Net last night. Long wire is down so I was on my 6btv and reception wasn’t that great. Tonight is the 2-meter Wednesday Evening Chat Net and Im not having any problems with 2-meters. I’ll let you know. (Antenna is really wet!)

Net went well. SWMBO got home. Been watching YouTube and the Britain’s got talent stuff. Think I’ll go lay down. Read.

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Gonna Rename The Dog To Buttfloss

Cause he’s kind of useless but fun to play with.

BWBlond007Not a whole lot going on lately. As usual. Today is my normal Saturday routing so far; waiting for SWMBO to get home from the Genealogy Library so she can take me out to dinner. Probably going to Arby’s in Silverdale so we can check out a store called “FYE” (I think). May stop by COSTCO but I’m not sure. Whatever. Long as I get to spend time with SWMBO I’m happy.

Had some snow night before last but it didn’t last long. Been raining the past two days. Really cold rain; but not quite cold enough to snow or ice over. So the Dog and I haven’t been taking as many walks. Which sucks.


Thinking of killing my Netflix account. I get a movie, watch it, and wind up buying it anyway. Kind of wasting the money for Netflix. Had “Heroes” shipped to me and got reminded that I really liked it, so I bought the complete series on Amazon (blu ray). Ripping it now to put up on the NAS. Don’t let me win the Lotto!

Watching Tenori-On video’s on YouTube. Would like to get one but can’t justify the $800+ for one. Could get a new 857d or Drone for that. Guess I’ll keep playing with LMMS. Been thinking of taking guitar lessons too.


So, My Lovely-Young-Bride of 30+ years did take me to Arby’s. Then to this FYE place; where I spent $100 on Blu Ray’s and she spent $30 for a mix of music she likes. I got 8 Godzilla flicks for $2.50/ea. Wouldn’t have spent as much as I did but they had the 8-movie Harry Potter collection for $30 cheaper than I’ve been able to find it on Amazon. So I got it.

Walked the Mall and she got some financial book she’s been suggesting I read. Made our usual Safeway stop (when we don’t stop at Walmart) and we be home. Dog did well while we were gone. Didn’t pee/poop anywhere in the house. DID pile all my shoes and our light coats (that were hanging on the backs of chairs) in the big room. Ah well.

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