Wet Day But Got Some Things Done

Just to let all y’all know: When the Zombie Apocalypse comes to the Seattle-Tacoma area, some of us are probably going to blow up the Tacoma Narrows Bridge to keep them on that side of the water. We figure that them having to go through Olympia will slow them down by months; stopping to eat the dipshits in our State Capital, you know.


It quit raining for awhile, so I made a run to take some stuff to the “Faith In Action” store in town. Filled the truck with gas on the way back. Well, not the whole truck; just the tank.

Other than that just not much more than the “usual” going on. Kind of stalled on my room until I get paint. I don’t want to block a bunch of stuff off until I can paint then get it all cleaned up. Still need to buy some 2X4’s to make a frame to hold my new counter tops. That I still need to buy also.


But this is old news.

Dang. Got busy installing Linux Mint 17.1 both Cinnamon & Mate versions to a couple of virtual machines and completely forgot about what time it was. I like playing with VMware Player. Let’s me do all kinds of things.


Anywho, SWMBO is home and has eaten and is in her room watching “something.” It’s about bed time for this old guy.

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