Hail And Rain And Downpour!

Oh, my. Several times throughout the day it really came down like there was going to be no tomorrow. Or tomorrow we’d be floating downhill to obliviion. Was kind of cool but there are reports of many more trees down around this area. People without power again. That sucks. Luckily ours hasn’t gone out.

You Can't See It In This Picture, But, It Was Really Coming Down!

So I didn’t get outside for more than the mail run and a quickie to Safeway for supplies. Needed some things since I was feeding the Missionaries tonight. Tacos. Refried. Spanish Rice. Something they don’t usually get. (Which is also why I seldome feed them anything with pasta or chicken. I’m sure they get a butt-ton of those.)


They seemed to enjoy the dinner. Ate enough of it! Seemed surprised when I bagged up the leftovers for them to take home. Probably shouldn’t have just dumped everything into the one bag though. Just kidding! I’m pretty sure they’ll finish it all off within the next couple of days.

Not a whole hell of a lot going on now. Even the rain has stopped for the meantime. Still hearing reports on the radio about trees down and such. The “river” has started across my backyard again. (And running good!)

Driveway Was Flooding Out!

Pretty much it. Made SWMBO some Gingerbread cookies (for brownie points!). About to go lay down and re-read “Odd Thomas” I think.

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