It Be Raining Like Crazy Out There!

megan2Which has it’s good, and bad, points. We really need the rain right now. But, it’s raining. Dark enough (at Noon) for me to turn on my main light in my room. Finally got cool enough to turn the heat on. Seems that maybe Winter has finally started to arrive here for the year. Suxs!

Really hasn’t been much going on here. Been down in the basement the past couple of days putting the old cabinets up and getting the doors on them. Kind of straightening up. Trying to get all the things off the floors so I can work on them.

Have a butt-ton of old electronic/computer stuff that I need to get rid of. Might just throw everything in a big box and take it to the next Club meeting and let the guys shift through for anything they might be able to use. I’ll probably never use some of that stuff again. Only other thing is to find a recycle place that’ll take it.

Speaking of the Club: MCARC meeting went well this morning. The members present all voted to get a new Repeater! Damn Cool! Ours is so fooked up right now. It went into a transmit loop today. Some of the parts get so overheated that the techs turned the output power down. Which means our signal isn’t getting out as far. (I can barely hold contact from my house now.) All in all it should have been replaced years ago. (Now I get to inform the two guys that like working on the damned thing that it’s going to be replaced and ask them for help with the new one. Oh, Joy.)


And the research of which new Repeater to get will go on for a couple of months now. Then the decision on which to get. Then actually getting it delivered, installed, and set up. Probably sometime late next summer it’ll be up and running. And, even voting to get a new one will piss our Tech Guys off so who knows where that’ll lead.

Pretty “normal” Saturday around here now. Waiting on SWMBO to get home to take us out to dinner someplace. Kind of feel like walking the Mall so we’ll probably eat at Arby’s since she likes them and we’ll be in that neighborhood.

Heard several reports of downed trees and power lines around the area so far. Periods of heavy rain with gusts of wind. Damn, we could be having our first storm of the Winter.


So we went to Silverdale and checked out a new restaurant. Way too loud for the Old in us! Walked half the Mall and went to Red Robin for a burger. They have good burgers.

Walked the other half of the Mall after dinner (where I bought myself a small TARDIS for my window sill), made our usual stop at Safeway (where I found (and rented) TREMORS 5!!!), and now we be home.

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